Dragon Snite Memória lutadora (Papelanima-filme parte 6)

  • há 10 anos
(Parte 6) Esse vídeo faz parte de um DVD criativo. Com animação de papel. Ver Parte 1 cliquehttp://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2c1sg2_dragon-snite-memoria-lutadora-papelanima-filme-parte-1_news. Vou contar um pouco do roteiro. Um rapaz revoltado perde a memória e seu poder mental de luta, mas também perde a revolta que tinha do mundo e muda. Depois conhece vários jovens revoltados e quer ensinar a eles que não é certo isso. No caso de recuperar a memória, ele poderia recuperar seu poder mental de luta e talvez voltasse a ser o revoltado de antes. (Se quiser assistir a outra parte em sequência, é só clicar na indicação que aparece no meio do vídeo depois que ele acaba)
00:16- Please get me out, Erick. I'll end up falling!
00:23- Where's your pride now? First ask me to kill you and now asks me to save you?
00:31- When you see near death is easy to change your mind.
00:37- Do not want to join his lower you trained? They are downstairs waiting.
00:44- Get me out of here and not fight more!
00:55- We can now continue our struggle. You were stupid to believe me, I should have thrown me when you had the chance.
01:05- Who is being stupid is you. When you asked me to me to kill him with the knife, I did not do it to give you a chance to assume that it is not more than anyone.
01:17You did not take and did this war. Your lower gone.
01:24- You are the culprit. I should have stuck me the knife when asked and none of this would have happened. My lower do nothing without me.
01:35- If you have any culprit is you, because it had taken what I told you, your friends and understand this war would not happen. I sure do not like to live like that.
01:49Would not it be better to live in peace with each other? I was like you, my amnesia made me open my eyes.
01:58- Nooo! Are wanting to repeat what a Dragon Snite made; mess with my feelings and throw me down there, right?
02:11- Your amnesia going back now!
02:34- I'll give you the final blow and throw him down.
02:43- If she died to save me, I will not die and will heal me now.
03:09- The real strength is in my mind.
03:15- The blow I gave him would make his amnesia back and knowledge disappear again.
03:24I do not know if it failed because this can only happen once, or because his love for Cassia greatly strengthen your mind.
03:33- Do not waste time with these questions, you takes very seriously this spiritual power of Tiger. Know that you have a natural power much stronger than the Tiger.
03:47The power of love he received from his parents. You load it from when I was in the womb of his mother.
03:55- If this power is so strong, why did not prevent my parents died?
04:01- Why not is entirely up to you three, but of all, because we are all part of the same mental and spiritual origin. Neither of us chose to have this knowledge. We are victims of this future that separated the spirit of the mind.
04:20His master, even after death, is using him to get revenge. Use their knowledge only to defend themselves.
04:30- Need to finish me off, but this has to do with that ritual.
04:36Need to save other lives. If you let me live, I will get other lower and continue my revenge on you and everyone will die because you will lose. I will never change.
04:50- I understand you much because I thought like you, but I had the chance to meet a power better than the Dragon Snite, the power of my origin.
05:01If you fall, something similar will happen with the time rolled the hill and hit my head on the stone, but the power of Dragon saved me and gave me this chance.
05:13If you fall, your can not save you and will have no chance to realize that is equal to all and is not superior to anyone.
05:24- You is not stupid as I thought when I met you. I envy your mind, not because of Dragon Snite, but by his way of thinking. I repeat that if he had done with me when I asked, these deaths would not have happened.
05:43Think of the people who will save. I'll never say I'm not above anyone and you continue the war.
05:58- Another war not. No more deaths. Forgive me for what I do.
06:23- He will not have the same chance I had.
06:38- Now I can feel the spiritual power ... my nature, my origin. Is by the spirit of my mother .... I feel like ... was returning to her uterus.
06:51Erick is right, I am equal to all ... and I'm not ... more than anyone. I forgive you .... I think now is ... I know who I am.
07:06- It happened all this and you got lost Michael?
07:13- I have the impression that for some strong reason, he abandoned us!
07:18- Maybe it's best for him. If necessary I will surrender to the police arrived. You decide what you will do, CIDY. Students also come!
07:30- Viva Dragon! Just once with Tiger and his lower!
07:36- Good! good! good!
07:40- I told the radio what happened here, to the mayor Arnold Mistam and he gave me an earful. He told me that the death of young people here can harm his political career.
07:55If this keeps up I lose my job. The fault was not mine, I can not control everything!
08:02- I heard what you said, sir. Is it really that was not the fault of you?
08:08- Stay out of it, Mr. Falker!
08:12- It seems that Erick repeated what he did at the base of Colonel Kitney!
08:18- Some police have entered the building to try to hold this dragon or Erick, and who is with him too.
08:27I need to get a speaker to talk to these disobedient students!
08:33- Can not hold our leader! He delivered us from a nightmare!
08:38- The laser that we may end up with many of you at one time and you know it. Their weapons are nothing compared to our laser.
08:48So do not mess it and return to school. They should have left it. Do it before I annoy me!
09:00- Do not we care more about you! We want to defend our leader!
09:08- I know the value you give this boy. Falker told me the whole story of it with you, the victory that had ... but if they continue like this, his situation can get worse!
09:21- If you know this story, should not hold it. It will end up with you being the best fighter of all time!
09:30- Thank you for the advice!
09:34- You must not abuse any person who does not know to fight, that person can be a Dragon Snite without memory, and if she get it, are fried!
09:45- I'm a Dragon Snite out of memory, so I can not face the police. When remember everything, I go back to being a man!
09:56Rá! Rá! Rá!
09:59- I'm not here to play, have to solve a serious problem. Go back to school because I am starting to annoy me a lot with you!
10:11- It is our new leader!
10:16Good! Good! Good!
10:24- You survived, Roger? Even seeing I do not.
10:32- Looks like you're double trouble for the war before and now!
10:37- We had information of a certain irregularity in Colonel Kitney zone and you have to explain it. I'll handcuff him.
10:48- This makes no sense. I'll also be arrested? Will pay for it! It is the police today, the year 2035.
10:58- Why are you leaving hold it, Dragon? Neither seems one who fought with Tiger! Will lost his memory again?
11:08- If you command us, we will do everything to free him. You are our new leader and do not care anymore with the police!
11:22- They are even willing to fight for me above all else and only I can stop them. I would like to do this to save you and them in another war!
11:36I am weak to talk too loud. I only ask your speaker.
11:42- No, you do not have that right. It could be a trick you, because I do not know what will do or say. And anything you say can be used against you!
11:53- It's best to leave, sir. I think this mayor will not like to die younger.
12:02-Toma The speakers! Look what you say and not too long.
12:11- I would not kill the police before I say all I have to tell them. Tiger won and now I am the new leader, is not it?
12:21- We want to be like you! In pass your mental power and train! Tiger trained his lower!
12:30- I'm going to spend my mental power and train them, but for this I hope they are smart to welcome you!
12:39- We will be intelligent and we will break everything because we will be the best!
12:45- It seems that the things I told Tiger when I remembered all, not served to you. After all that I understand why there was ignored, but should not.
12:56See what happened to Tiger and his inferiors? They thought they were the best and ended well!
13:05- You're the best, Dragon!
13:10- No, I'm not the best, so I will pass them the mental power of Erick, worth more than the Dragon. In fact, I will not pass them, because you already have it.
13:22I'll just make discover through intelligence. You were born with it.
13:32- When I discovered forgot all that power! With it, you may not need to hurt to heal!
13:42- You no memory would die in the torture!
13:47- Therefore, because I found that I am equal to all and one day all die. I am grateful to my knowledge for having saved me twice, but that does not mean I'm the best.
14:01The torture I would die without remembering who had this great knowledge and with the awareness that I am like everyone else. For me, this way of dying makes a big difference than to die as those here.
14:16I repeat that reborn when I lost my memory and not when recovered. When I was back just made me confirm everything figured out.
14:28- In the Army, Falker taught me the true quality of a Dragon, who was in his religion called "Islachita" the mind of the universe, they believed that we were created for we transmit peace, not war.
14:46Who also created our body for us to do useful things with it. Not to kill, harm or other violence. He felt very strange, because I was trained to violence and to be the best.
15:01Falker explained to me that it should use violence as a last resort, only to defend myself. Said I should think before you act in order to solve my problems without harming anyone.
15:16Other Dragons acted well, so this fighting technique was considered the best; the technique, not the fighters. The healing that originated in the brain, was considered sacred as religion.
15:29Falker taught me that power, however much it may be
