Pakistan Army Takes Revenge of Peshawar Massacre

  • 10 years ago
After the horrible incident of Peshawar massacre taking place on 16th December causing more than 135 causalities of students, the brutal revenge is on by the Pakistan Army. Pakistan Army is chasing the extremists and PAF jets are demolishing their hideouts near Pak-Afghan border.
Instead of fear, Peshawar massacre brought rage in every person of Pakistan against extremists supported by Afghan Intelligence in accordance with India,
The Peshawar tragedy united the whole Pakistani nation against extremists and demanded the brutal revenge against culprits including their handlers in and outside Pakistan.

The attack on Army Public School in Peshawar on Tuesday, 16th December which ended the lives of many innocent students shattered nation and put into deep pain. The loss and sorrow of the victim families felt by the nation and people stood with them to show condolence. The Pakistani nation has now only one stance of dealing all the extremists and their handlers with solid hands.

Pakistan Army Chief Gen. Raheel Sharif was very furious on Peshawar tragedy and gave a message to the extremists and their handlers to get ready to face the rage. In his message on social media, Gen. Raheel Sharif made a promise to Pakistani nation on taking revenge of martyred students in and outside Pakistan.
According to the sources the falcons of Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has begun to show its wrath by demolishing the hideouts of extremists. With the assistance of DG ISI, Chief of Army Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif shared overt proofs with Afghan government and ISAF commander about the culprits involved in Peshawar massacre hiding in Afghanistan and asked to handover the culprits or be ready face the consequences.
The surprise visit of Afghanistan by Army Chief and start of brutal revenge created immense panic among the columns of extremists and their handlers. According to news agencies source, Pakistan Army is striking hard and demolishing the hideouts of extremists. It looks like the incident