Dill Pickle Sings One Last Time (Lyrics Cover)

  • 10 years ago
You guys have no idea how much I need to tell! Like HOLY CRAP ANOTHER COVER, SINCE WHEN? Yes, I sing like everyday, music is my life! But I got sick, I missed school for like a month. then I got better and the school break started, I got most of the homework b4 the break started, so I've been very busy! But I thought, why not, for the new year, put out a cover? So I sang this Ariana Grande song that I have been addicted to for more than a week! So even if it didn't turn out as good, I still turned out doing what I love, with a song I love c; So I hope you enjoy and watch till the end C: (And I got a new mic CX YAY)
This is della77171/Dill Pickle/Dylan Faiella, K? BAI!!
