Of The Chain

  • 10 jaar geleden
Of The Chain;

The Pit bull was brought to America from Ireland and England and became America's family dog. At the turn of the 19th and early 20th century it was the number one dog of choice for the average American family. The Pit bull was extremely intelligent, malleable and devoted to its master, really a smart animal that loves human beings. But what have we done that transformed our friend into a malicious demonic animal that has to be eliminated?

And if we could figure out how we did that to these animals maybe there will be some lessons for how we do it to ourselves as human beings. The American Pit Bull Terrier of today is a very different dog than it was twenty years ago. What has largely happened to this breed is what has happened to other breeds when they've gotten popular as the top-dog to have. And that is breeding them for the wrong reasons and keeping them in unacceptable conditions.

That breed has been used by the young generation as the macho dog. They gave it a bad name by causing it to fight other dogs. People have taken that instinct of a Pit bull to bond to a human, to really love its owner, and they've totally manipulated it to use these dogs in a fight with another dog.

The underworld combined these elements realizing that they could train the Pit Bull Terrier to become a vicious fighting creation. It is so far underground, it is so well-entrenched, the American public has virtually no idea it's taking place.

How anybody can consider that as a 'sport', 'entertainment' and certainly anything that remotely resembles something called 'professional'? Of all breeds right now Pit bull is probably a number one breed owned by irresponsible, uncaring and abusive owners. The breeding of this dog revolves around its fighting abilities with less attention to other aspects and characteristics.