Beulah land RCG men's group (with lyrics)

  • 9 years ago
Beulah Land

I’ve reached the land of corn and wine,
And all it’s rich-es free-ly mine
Here shines undimmed a bliss-ful day
For all my nights are passed a-way

Oh Beu-lah land, sweet Beu-lah land
As on the high-est mount I stand
I look a-way a-cross the sea,
Where mansions are pre-pared for me,
And view the shin-ing golden shore,
My heaven, my home for-ev-ermore!

My sa-vior comes and walk with me
And sweet communion here have we,
He grea-tly lead me by the hand,
For this is heav-en’s bor-der-land.

The zeph-yrs seams to float to me
Sweet sounds of heaven’s me-lo-dy
As an-gels with the white-robed throng,
Joins in the sweet re-demp-tion song.

