Trick Photography and Special Effects Review By Evan Sharboneau

  • 9 years ago
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Trick photography and special effects is an excellent Book and instructional guide by Evan sharboneau. The information in this video is designed help you understand and practice trick photography and special effect.
This review is by mark wood who has put together what he has liked and not liked about the programme. You can check out Mark's youtube channel here.

In the video Mark has talked about what he likes and what he believe are the biggest flaw to the online photography course.

One thing you will appreciate with tricks photography and special effects is that you don't need expensive camera equipment to benefit from it. In Fact Evan speaks about how an entry level dslr camera is all you need. which you can get from Amazon.

A many things that need to be done, all you need is a can do attitude. Believe that you can take good photos and are capable of creating something very unique and wonderful according to your creative insight.
