こんにちは、クリーブランド; 背骨蛇口; コンサートホールの玄関はさまよい、無くなる; それらはonstage ようである; 彼らは、"hello 、cleveland!" 叫る; それはクリーブランドでない
Hello and cleveland! Backbone Faucet: (Spinal Tap)wanders about the entryway of
the concert hole, are gone. Those seem the onstage way; As for them, " Hello and cleveland! " 叫 る-- That is not Cleveland.
Hello and cleveland! Backbone Faucet: (Spinal Tap)wanders about the entryway of
the concert hole, are gone. Those seem the onstage way; As for them, " Hello and cleveland! " 叫 る-- That is not Cleveland.