Police officer arrested after killing of 14-year-old boy during clashes

  • 9 years ago
A police officer in Venezuela has been arrested after confessing to shooting Kluiver Roa, a 14-year-old boy, with a rubber bullet during clashes with protesters in the city of San Cristobal.

Local media reported that the Roa’s father was a member of a political opposition party.

Glenda Lugo, who witnessed the shooting, said she tried to help the injured teen and was ordered by police to leave him to them.
“It’s unfair. I have marks on my arm from the police who didn’t want me to help this child, it’s not right. Why? Because after they shot him, they wanted to take him away,” she said, adding that she persisted in asking why. “Because they didn’t want to leave the evidence,” she concluded.

Officials said the Roa died on the way to hospital.

He was only 14 years old and was murdered by this socialism BarackObama MichelleObama billclinton #Venezuela pic.twitter.com/hGIEZYhQHI— mandarina (12mandarinas) February 25, 2015

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro had ordere


