I wish my boyfriend would change.

  • 10 years ago
I thought I'd share some personal advice regarding the common wish to change one's significant other.

I think most of us have been in a situation where we wish we could change someone else for the better. It would be awesome if people took your good-willed advice to heart and used it to change, but the only person you're really in control of is yourself. If someone isn't ready to make the changes you want, you can't force them. Attempts to force someone to change will often just put you at odds with that person, which is likely the opposite of what you want if you truly care. It took an immense amount of personal effort for me to become a person that I was happy with, and I know how painful changing one's self can be, so I try to be easy on people. In my opinion, love and encouragement is more powerful than force and shame.

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This doesn't just apply to relationships; any sort of lifestyle change is incredibly hard to commit to. That's why New Year's resolutions are notorious for flopping. When I made true changes to fundamental aspects of my logic, my newborn sense of self-control and self-awareness helped me branch out and change many other aspects of my life.