Beauty Regrets: Piercings, Beauty, Diet

  • 10 years ago

Music by DJ Grumble

Q: Why shouldn't I wear black lipstick!? Don't tell me what to do!

A: In this video, one of my regrets was wearing black lipstick in the 7th grade. I regret it because on top of looking ridiculous as a 12-year-old with black lips (in my opinion), it reminds me about how I cared about trying to be pretty instead of being a carefree kid. Women are exposed to so much pressure that can warp their judgment, and sometimes I wish I cared more about having fun than looking pretty as a small child. Looking back, I think the black lipstick looked pretty terrible, but despite my strong preference, I said numerous times to do what makes you happy. If you like black lipstick for the right reasons, more power to you. I would never bully someone for wearing black lipstick, but it is my personal opinion that it didn't look good on me as a kid. My then 15-year-old brother, who was just trying to look out for me, told me that girls who don't try so hard are way more attractive (and some people thought this was offensive because he is a man, but my mom and countless other women have always told me the same thing). I shared his opinion because I think it is important to consider different perspectives in order to make an informed decision. An important skill to have in order to learn more about yourself is to be open to hearing opinions that are different than your own rather than get offended straight away. I did not agree with my brother, but I listened and acknowledged him. Some people in the comments were very resistant to hearing our opinions, but if you know who you are and are secure with yourself, it shouldn't hurt to hear that other people have preferences different to your own. I never meant any harm or to make anyone feel less free in their choices. Freedom, in my opinion, is to open your eyes to all paths before choosing your own. If you asked me if you should wear black lipstick, my answer would be "don't wear black lipstick" with a look of regret on my face (much like the one you saw in the video) because that is my opinion. But if you do choose to wear black lipstick, it is even better if you do so now, because you have considered the possible cons, which makes it far more of a rational decision than the thought process I had as a kid. Thanks for reading.