HALLUCINANT ! Sur la petite île où elle se cache, Kate MOSS apprend à se battre avec son Maître d'Armes. On the small island, Kate is learning to fight with the Master of arms. Saber, guns, rifles… and lot of sport to be "like a sword". But, she doesn't want to become a jerk ! Beauty, elegance, are her law and she doesn't want to change ! ENJOY NOW this incredible Episode 5 !!!
(This movie is a parodie. All the images used in these movies respect the spirit of the fair use).
Kate Moss, medal of honor, battlefield, Black ops, web serie, parodie, david gandy, leserval2, max bogarde, fair use, GTA, gangsters, youtube, facebook, google, dailymotion, fashion, lagerfeld, chanel, dior, guerlain, hermès, lacroix
(This movie is a parodie. All the images used in these movies respect the spirit of the fair use).
Kate Moss, medal of honor, battlefield, Black ops, web serie, parodie, david gandy, leserval2, max bogarde, fair use, GTA, gangsters, youtube, facebook, google, dailymotion, fashion, lagerfeld, chanel, dior, guerlain, hermès, lacroix