Good Night Ducky

  • 9 years ago
the same care is the hamster hideout forum uses, so if you have a problem talk to them, I trust there care. My previous two hamsters that died at the same time did not die because of my care either, there was a bad batch of bedding I used and at the time I had no clue it was bad, since then we've gone to the maker (PetValu) and have told them what the bedding did and they said they will be checking it out.
How did he die? A Stroke, usually because of bad genetics, now and days buying a hamster that isn't pure bred is going to have a lot of issues because hamsters are bred so quick and so often.
-How old was he? I'm not sure as he was purchased from Petsmart.
-Are you getting another hamster? Yes I could never not own hamsters, I will be getting another in a couple weeks once I feel better about the situation.
-Are you quitting YouTube? No I would never quit something I love doing.
-For the weeks that I do not own any hamsters I will be doing some rabbit,Cat, dog videos and maybe som

