Stalker girlfriend claims her parents kidnapped her when they saved her from arrest

  • 9 years ago
A teenage couple in Guangzhou recently met through an online dating site. But after finally meeting in person, the 17-year-old boyfriend decided he wanted to end the relationship.

Not willing to give up so easily, the 19-year-old girl, nicknamed Xiao Bao, went to the teenager’s home and begged him not to leave her.

The boy’s parents quickly became fed up with the arguing, and called Xiao Bao’s parents and the police, demanding that Xiao Bao’s parents take their daughter home. Xiao Bao was so combative about leaving her ‘true love’ that police at the scene had to tie her feet together to get her into the backseat of her parents’ car.

Xiao Bao was sandwiched in the backseat between her parents while another relative drove the car back home.

But that’s not the end of the story.

When the car passed through a toll booth, Xiao Bao leaned out the window and shouted that she’d been kidnapped. The toll attendant didn’t know what to do, so he called the police and started filming with his mobile phone.

When police showed up, Xiao Bao’s father sheepishly left the car to show his identification card -- and that of his daughter’s -- to police officers. He explained that his daughter had been harassing her ex-boyfriend and his family, so they had no choice but to bring her back by force.

During the police questioning, Xiao Bao made several attempts to pull herself out of the car window, screaming that her legs had been tied, denying her own identity, denying the couple were her parents, and crying to go back to her boyfriend.

But if the boyfriend called the police the first time around… he obviously doesn’t want her.

Geez, just get over it.


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