Free money! $13 billion dollars accidentally deposited in man’s account, for 1 day

  • 9 years ago
This week a man living in Jiangsu, an eastern coastal province of China, logged into his online banking account and was shocked to discover he’d received a deposit of USD $800K.

The man, named Li Lin, called a friend and asked his friend what he should do.

While they were debating on what to do or how to spend the money Mr. Li was shocked to realized that a second sum of money had been deposited into his account, bringing the total to just under USD $13 billion dollars.

Instead of withdrawing or transferring the money to another account Mr. Lin allegedly just spent hours staring at the ridiculous sum of money.

At 10pm the USD $13 billion dollars disappeared as suddenly as it had appeared. The bank sent a brief message to Mr. Lin that read: “Transfer error. Sorry.”

Mr. Li says he feels violated that the bank could just remove money from his private account without his permission or acknowledgement.

Oh well, you know what they say, easy come, easy go.


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