St Louis Rams show ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ to protest the Michael Brown-Darren Wilson decision

  • 9 years ago
Anger over Ferguson spilled onto the playing field this past Sunday, when some of the NFL's St. Louis Rams players entered the stadium playing field with their hands raised overhead, a show of solidarity with shooting victim Michael Brown, who some witnesses say had his hands in the air when police officer Darren Wilson fired the fatal shots.

Players Kenny Britt and Tavon Austin came out of the tunnel with their hands up followed by Stedman Bailey, Chris Givens, and Jared Cook with arms raised in a nod to the now familiar gesture that demonstrators in Ferguson use, along with chants of “hands up, don’t shoot.”

About 40 or 50 protesters also briefly blocked a street outside the Edward Jones Dome in downtown St. Louis after the game and later marched through the surrounding streets chanting "black lives matter."

Many Rams fans, mostly white men, applauded riot police as they followed the demonstrators. A handful of demonstrators were seen being taken into custody.

The St Louis County grand jury cleared the officer of all charges, however many are outraged, especially those in the black community, with many celebrities, pastors and athletes voicing their dissatisfaction.

While the NFL has yet to make a public statement about yesterday’s actions, The St. Louis Police Officers Association released this statement condemning the gestures, and demanding a public apology along from the team, and for the players to be disciplined.


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