Riding In Cars With Dogs - Pete

  • 9 years ago
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00:00It's time for a joyride! Yeah!
00:04Let's go for a ride!
00:06If you need your mind riding in cars with dogs.
00:11Oh yeah, perfect weather. Perfect day for a drive.
00:14Unless it isn't.
00:15This car is a smooth ride.
00:17What brand is it?
00:18Beep. Beep.
00:19I like to back up into my seat.
00:21I smoke tacos and cheese and beer and fish and dolphins.
00:24And what's that?
00:25Hey, you better slow down, buddy.
00:28If you rear-end me, I know high-powered attorneys that will sue the fuck out of you.
00:31What's the definition of a joyride anyway?
00:37Building. Building. Building.
00:39Wait, is that the vet?
00:41Oh crap, why'd the car stop?
00:43I just got vaccinated a month ago.
00:46I hope I don't have fleas.
00:50I'm looking both ways before crossing the street.
00:53But I'm not crossing the street.
00:55Building. Building.
00:57VCR repair shop. Building.
00:59Are we here?
01:00Why are we moving in reverse?
01:02What's the state of the economy?
01:04Is that a cat?
01:05Drive. Drive. Drive.
01:07Oh yeah.
01:09Why aren't you paying attention to me?
01:12Oh gosh, I spot a fly.
01:15I know what ride means.
01:17But what is joy?
01:19This is totally awesome.
01:21Are you filming this?
01:23And let's try this car.
01:24Oh, I sat on something.
01:26My tail.
01:27Maybe just wake me up when we get there.
01:29Oh, my eyes are getting heavy.
01:33I'm enjoying this ride.
01:36And joy?
01:38Joy must mean happy.
01:40Oh, the seat is vibrating and it feels like a massage.
01:56VCR repair shop. Building. Building.
01:59Are we here?
