• 10 years ago
Hamd-o-Bari Tala "Tu Hai Rab Mera" Is a very soulful heart touching hamd by youngest band of Pakistan Music waves.Its actually a voice of every heart that every one can relate it with.We dedicate it to every single man who think we as a human are not prefect and sometime we do sins but Allah always bless us...
Artist : Music Waves (Official)
vocals/lyrics/composition : Wahaj Mazhar
Music/mixing/mastering : Syed Hasnain Haider
Director : Moiz Siddiqui
D.O.P : Khurram Nizami
Recorded at Musicwaves studios
Produced by sidsnsids productions
Facebook page : https://www.facebook.com/musicwaves177
soundcloud : https://soundcloud.com/musicwaves177
Facebook Video link :https://www.facebook.com/musicwaves177/videos/667675986695362/?theater
