• 10 years ago
Like Jeff Hardy on a quad-bike you know it won't end well but you're going to watch them anyway, it's Botchamania 274: Bo Dallas Baseball!

Thanks To...
SMASH Wrestling for the huge bag of cash
Enrique The Superfan for the lovely Bobby Fish intro
Nick Maniwa for Corp. Robinson
G-Man for the 1PW DVDs
Talk'n Shop podcast for the audio of Gallows and Anderson
@nickrockradio for JR/Heyman ending
Codster9 for even more Simpsons endings
Sam Baxter for helping suggesting the Barney ending. Blame him if you didn't like it but praise me if you did.

Everything Is AWESOME!!! by Tegan and Sara feat. The Lonely Island
Main Theme by Paul Webb, Kingsley Thurber (WWF Royal Rumble, SNES)
Jurassic Dope by AKI, Hiroshi Kobayashi, Michiru Yamane (Contra Hard Corps)
Have I Got News For You by Big George