• 9 years ago
Here’s a quiz: Who gets preference, the passenger who wants to recline or the passenger who wants to use his laptop? Answer: Neither, get off my plane!

A United Airlines flight from Newark to Denver was diverted after two passengers got in a fight over reclining seats. A man in the middle of the 12th row on United Flight 1462 used this device, called the Knee Defender, to prevent the woman in front of him from reclining.

The man wanted to use his laptop, which would have been difficult if the woman reclined. But with Knee Defender, you just lower your tray table, then place the tiny plastic chocks on the arms. Now you can use your laptop in peace and even recline while you do so, if you wish.

A flight attendant asked the man to remove the device, but he refused. They couldn’t decide who was more entitled, him to use his laptop? Or her to recline her seat? Especially since both had paid for Economy Plus seating, meaning they already had 4 more inches of legroom than the other sardines packed into coach.

The flight was diverted to Chicago after the woman threw a cup of water in the man’s face. Then they were both kicked off the flight and the plane continued to Denver without them.

The FAA has not banned the Knee Defender because it doesn’t pose a specific safety risk, but it might change its tune after one angry passenger makes the flyer one row back swallow them whole.

What’s your take? Who was in the right?


