Lightning strike survivor defies death when electrical storm in Atlanta zapps him

  • 9 years ago
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Doctors say getting struck by lightning is a 1 in 700,000 chance, and very few would survive. What's the chance to be hit out of your shoes by lightning and survive then?

An Atlanta man luckily escaped a bolt of lightning that struck him and even blew him out of his steel-toed boots.

Sean O'Connor of Newnan, south of Atlanta was doing yard work and raking leaves last Saturday afternoon when a lightning striking suddenly hit his right foot.

He was knocked over on the other side of the driveway, leaving both of his boots at where he was standing.

"I looked across the driveway and I could see my boots over there. They were no longer on my feet, and one of them was smoking," said O'Connor. It was then that he realized he had been struck by lightning.

O'Connor tasted some blood in his mouth and found his leg hairs burned. He immediately called his wife and filmed his bleeding tongue and smoking boots with his cell phone to prove what had happened.

His wife later rushed him to a local hospital, where he was treated for an irregular heartbeat and kept for observation overnight.


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