• 10 years ago
This week on The Weed News with Mike Cannon, Mike is very excited to talk about Morgan Freeman's recent endorsement of across-the-board legalization of marijuana (Mike's even more excited to talk about his own personal endorsement of 'butt play'). And in Joint Ventures, Cannon recently returned from a camping 'trip' with some good friends and used the power of pot to bring his experience to new levels.
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Written by and starring Mike Cannon
Created by Stand Up NY Labs and Mike Cannon
Motion Graphics by Chris Flannery
Directed by Jon Fatigate
Produced by Stand Up NY Labs
Logo by Chris Flannery: CPatrickFlannery@gmail.com
Chris Flannery on Twitter @ManSamp
Edited by Jon Fatigate
Music written and performed by Andrew Gentilozzi
Check out all of our stuff at http://standupnylabs.com


