Kam je Haar - Distance (live TV recording 1994)

  • 17 years ago
Kam je Haar (Comb your Hair) was a guitar rockband from the Netherlands. The boys of this band where all about 18 years old and the first TV recording live was on 15 may 1994 in a program of Paul Haenen for VPRO TV (Dutch TV), with their own song "Distance". The first CD-album of this band was "Pog in You" with all own songs. The band was finished in 1996. After this time was guitarplayer Driek Stevens verry succesfull on the Rockacademy at Tilburg (Netherlands). Members of Kam je Haar : Danny v/ Laan, Driek Stevens, Koen Wiemann, Maarten Verkamman. Site: www.zeelandnet.nl/llsw/kamjehaar
