ISIL militants launch counter-offensive and re-enter Kobani

  • 9 years ago
The self-styled Islamic State group has re-entered the key Syrian Kurdish border town of Kobani, five months after they were driven out.

The assault began overnight with a series of bomb blasts, after which ISIL militants drove around the streets killing the civilians, according to local media reports.

After a string of defeats the extremist group has gone on the counter offensive and was also reported to have seized parts of the northeastern city of Hasaka.

As Turkish hospitals deal with the scores of wounded civilians, questions are being asked as to how the militants managed to enter the town. Syrian State TV said they had entered from Turkey, a charge denied by Ankara. Other reports suggest they disguised themselves as refugees or Kurdish fighters.

More than 30,000 people had returned to Kobani when ISIL were driven out in January in a what was hailed as a victory for the Kurdish fighters aided by the US coalition after months of fierce fighting.

