There are two indispensable tools that we usually do not have at home: a stirrer that we mount on a drill, and a finishing trowel to lay the seamless floors.
1. Prepare the Surface
When we place the seamless floors we should not let the air from the substrate come out at the moment application since it might lead to formation of small air bubbles. So we use a primer that will close the surface. We leave it to dry for several hours depending on temperature and humidity. Then we place the seamless floors.
2. Prepare the Mix
This is relatively easy. We take a little bottle with a colouring pigment; we add water until we reach the total of 5.5 litres. When it is done, we use a stirrer to render the colour uniform and mix well the pigment with water. Then we gradually add the powder constantly stirring to avoid lumping. When we have reached a homogenous liquid, we sieve it and put aside for 2 minutes to let the air, which was introduced while stirring, leave the mix.
3. Place the Product
To apply the product, you simply pour the mix onto the floor. It will start spreading itself since it is a self-levelling product. We use a finishing trowel to help the product level out and reach well the corners. We will make ample circular gestures to avoid having multiple traces of the trowel and to ensure fluid and uniform surface. We also need to avoid having waves of material: when it is dried, we are not supposed to see where we used one bucket of mix and where we used another. So a second bucket will be poured onto the one that was just placed because it is still fresh and liquid, so that these two buckets could mix and we will not have the traces in the end. And we continue in the same way.
4. Sealers
When the pouring is finished, we close the doors; we make sure that there are no draughts and we come back 5 to 6 hours later. The product will have dried. It will not be dry, however, in its mass, nor will it be as hard as several days or a month later, because the concrete continues hardening as the time passes. Nevertheless it will be dry enough for careful walking. Then we polish to remove little defects. On small surface it can be done with a sponge simply to make up for small mistakes. But when you have a large area, manual polishing might be tiresome, so we can borrow a single-disc polisher and use it on our surface. When it is done, we leave the concrete to harden in its mass before we protect it with sealers. After that there’s only practice!..
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There are two indispensable tools that we usually do not have at home: a stirrer that we mount on a drill, and a finishing trowel to lay the seamless floors.
1. Prepare the Surface
When we place the seamless floors we should not let the air from the substrate come out at the moment application since it might lead to formation of small air bubbles. So we use a primer that will close the surface. We leave it to dry for several hours depending on temperature and humidity. Then we place the seamless floors.
2. Prepare the Mix
This is relatively easy. We take a little bottle with a colouring pigment; we add water until we reach the total of 5.5 litres. When it is done, we use a stirrer to render the colour uniform and mix well the pigment with water. Then we gradually add the powder constantly stirring to avoid lumping. When we have reached a homogenous liquid, we sieve it and put aside for 2 minutes to let the air, which was introduced while stirring, leave the mix.
3. Place the Product
To apply the product, you simply pour the mix onto the floor. It will start spreading itself since it is a self-levelling product. We use a finishing trowel to help the product level out and reach well the corners. We will make ample circular gestures to avoid having multiple traces of the trowel and to ensure fluid and uniform surface. We also need to avoid having waves of material: when it is dried, we are not supposed to see where we used one bucket of mix and where we used another. So a second bucket will be poured onto the one that was just placed because it is still fresh and liquid, so that these two buckets could mix and we will not have the traces in the end. And we continue in the same way.
4. Sealers
When the pouring is finished, we close the doors; we make sure that there are no draughts and we come back 5 to 6 hours later. The product will have dried. It will not be dry, however, in its mass, nor will it be as hard as several days or a month later, because the concrete continues hardening as the time passes. Nevertheless it will be dry enough for careful walking. Then we polish to remove little defects. On small surface it can be done with a sponge simply to make up for small mistakes. But when you have a large area, manual polishing might be tiresome, so we can borrow a single-disc polisher and use it on our surface. When it is done, we leave the concrete to harden in its mass before we protect it with sealers. After that there’s only practice!..
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