Azad Pakistan Episode 2 Part 6(What is Pakistan-What type of Nation we are)

  • 9 years ago
Azad Pakistan
Episode 2 Part 6

Know the true worth and understanding about Pakistan. By watching the video you will be know about:
• What type of people and nation we became today?
• What really Pakistan gave us since its birth?
• What are the reasons of present condition of Pakistan? Solutions to all these problems.
• What is the relation between Pakistan and Freemasons? Freemasons sees Pakistan as the biggest danger in their way.
• Was Quaid e Azam a non-Muslim and wants to make Pakistan a secular state?
• Views of Dr. Israr about the Quaid e Azam and Allama Muhammad Iqbal?
• What is Objective resolution of Pakistan?

The video includes:
• What happened after the 68 years of the independence of Pakistan?
• What happened to us? We are free but the meaning of freedom is different for every person in this country now a days.
• Who is real Jahil in our general point of view?
• We are now divided among sectarianism, provincialism.
• Pakistan have faced 3 major wars, lost His one arm since its birth but instead of all these happened Pakistan is the only nuclear power in the Islamic world and 7th in the world.
• Pakistan is not a secular state but it is an Islamic state.
• When Freemasons trying to separate the Muslim world and was trying to making their own state Israel exact at time Pakistan was also making in the sub-continent. Is this the co incidence?
• What Quaid e Azam said about the birth of state of Israel?
• Answer to all those who says that Quaid e Azam was a secular man and want to make Pakistan a secular state.
• What Quaid e Azam said at the inauguration ceremony of State Bank of Pakistan?
• Why Liaqat Ali Khan murdered?
