• 10 years ago

June 26, 2015

We each have an opportunity to conquer the world. Not like in the cartoons of course.

Each of our lives is like a hand in poker. Some of us are dealt a really sucky hand, and others got a royal flush. Instead of focusing so much on those who were dealt a flush, focus more of your energy on how you can bluff your way through life, using the really crapy hand that you were dealt.

Yesterday I was in the presence of some very amazing people. Megan, and Jason. I didn’t know much about them prior to their wedding day, with the exception of that Megan and I spoke about while on the phone when she booked me as her videographer. Yesterday, in such a brief time, I learned so much about those two. They are those special type of people who can light up a room, just by walking through the door, without even saying a word.

5 years ago, they were each facing demons that almost took them from this earth, when they found each other.

As I stood at the top of the aisle watching Megan walk down, I caught a glimpse of what seemed to be sweat dripping from Jason’s eyes. Just before they exchanged vows and were announced husband and wife, they decided to release a bunch of butterflies from a small box. Once the butterflies left the box, one found its way back to the Bride and Groom, and landed on the bouquet, and remained there for the remainder of the ceremony. For several minutes, the butterfly refused to leave.

Just like the butterfly, we each can decide where we want to be. It’s up to us to act, and forever hold our future in our own hands.
