• 10 years ago
Real Vodka & Liquor Experience Binaural Audio
This Brainwave Effects: relaxation, mood lift, happiness, giddiness, talkativeness, lowered inhibitions, reduced social anxiety, and analgesia...
Warning: It is very heavy. If you feel bad about yourself, listen to a hard reset. The effects and you can relax your brain.

Created By: Loris Eclat
More Tags: Binaural Beats,Binaural Music,Love Beats,Love audio, Therapy ,Music Therapy,Love physics, Empathy Stimulant ,Love meditation,binaural beats lucid dreaming, Energy ,Sound Therapy,Binaural Sound, simulation Meditation ,mobile beats,mobile sound,mobile beat, Guided Meditation, Meditation techniques, Méditation thérapie empathie énergie Energie Musiktherapie Stimulans ,Música Binaural, isochronic ,isochronic tones,isochronic beats,binaural beats sleep,binaural beats meditation,binaural beats lucid dreaming,Chakra meditation,


