Not My Own

  • 9 years ago
Sung By:
Mamta De Souza
(Verse 1/2, Chorus)
Emoonaw De Souza
(Verse 3/4, Chorus)
Accompanied By:
Mario De Souza
Created By:
Emoonaw De Souza
Genre: Christian, Country

The Garden of Eden saw Adam and Eve
The sin they did there caused all men to grieve
Faced with a choice to rebel or obey
Hear them say,
“I want my own will, not Thine”

All o’er the world in these last days of time
Lost deep in sin, the people are crying
‘We don't want Jesus, we don't want your law'
Hear them say,
‘Want my own, I want my own
I want my own will, not Thine'
Has God spoken to your heart any time?
Has He said: “Make your will become Mine.”?

Who could there be who could save us from sin?
Who'd open Heaven and let us go in?
God sent His Son from the glory above
Hear Him say, “Not My Own, no not My Own
No, not My Own will, but Thine.”
See, in the Garden of Gethsemane
Jesus, He prayed there for you and for me
See, as He struggled and sweat drops of blood
Hear Him say,
“Not My Own, no, not My Own
No not My Own will, but Thine” (-x2)