2015 sees record number of civilian casualties in Afghanistan

  • 9 years ago
Civilian casualties, particularly those of women and children, have hit a new record in Afghanistan. In the first half of this year; nearly 5000 people have been killed or injured.

Along with the deaths are a shocking number of injuries, and after 14 years of war the rise in child and female casualties is especially sharp.

In part this can be explained by more fighting in residential areas, and more fighting being done by poorly-trained militias.

“The vast majority, or 90% of all civilian casualties, resulted from ground engagements, improvised explosive devices, complex and suicide attacks, and targeted killings,” said the UN’s Afghan Human Rights Unit Director Danielle Bell.

Other factors contributing to the rise in casualties are the withdrawal of coalition air support and equipment resulting in the use of less accurate munitions, such as mortars.

“Unfortunately the security situation in our country is worse, and many people today are worried about the deterioration in se


