Photoshop lesson: How to make an OUTRO for your video. adobe PhotoShop video

  • 9 years ago
Photoshop lesson: How to make an OUTRO for your video. adobe PhotoShop video
In this video you will learn how to make an outro for you videos.

here is my logo that i will be using later. This logo is from my other channel.

Now let’s start by opening a new canvas.

For better resolution your canvas needs to have the following dimensions

width of 1920 and height of 1080, and select the background content to transparent.

Now let’s fill it with black color by selecting the paint bucket tool.

Now select the brush tool, and the size of the brush should be 1500 pixels, and click the soft round. Which is the first selection.

Now you are going to choose a color by clicking the set foreground color. You can choose any color you want. I chose the green color.

Position the brush on one of the sides of the canvas. Be careful not to cross the left border of the canvas, and click.

Now you are going to choose another color. I picket blue.

Now let’s grab a texture picture.

You can find a lot of these pictures on, just type texture picture. I provided a link in the description.

Now you grab the picture and drag on your canvas like this.

Resize the picture to match the canvas size.

On your left side, in the layer configuration, you click on this drop down menu and select overlay.

Now you click in this check mark.

Looking good so far. Right?

But we're not quiet done yet!

Now let’s go grab our logo.

Select the move tool.

Using the move tool, click the image and drag it over to the other layer.

Adjust the position. For the sake of time I'm not going to use a perfect symmetry here.

Select the rectangle tool, and make a rectangle. You can choose the size.

Make it black, by using the paint bucket tool.

Right click in the rectangle layer and select duplicate layer. Then you select the move tool to move the place the other rectangle in the right place.

Again I'm not going to use a perfect symmetry here to place the rectangle in order to save time.

Now click the horizontal type tool and write whatever you want, usually more videos or previous or next video.

I’m using a font called michroma, probably you're not going to have this font in your computer, but I'm providing a link for download in the description.

Include a text with the word: subscribe.

use Save as, to save the file at your computer. Choose a file format. Usually JPEG or PNG.

After everything is done you gonna need to go to your video manager, and include the links for the videos and for your channel.

Now we're going to the second part of the video, which is include the videos to this file.

Let's go.

Here we're using sony Vega Pro. if you need sony vega pro you can subscribe and then contact me, I will let you know how to get this software.

Now let’s grab our file and drop in the vega pro area.

You can see that the file is in good working condition.

Here we're going to add a new track by right clicking and selecting the Insert Video track.

here I'm going to pick up any of my videos, from the other channel. Right click in this area here and select open, and then chose your video.

We don't need the audio track, so let’s delete it.

Because my video is kind of long, let’s cut it off a little. Because we're not gonna use the whole video in the outro anyway. we just need a piece of it. Let's say 40 seconds!

Left click where you want to cut it, and the right click. You can either select trim start, which will cut from the beginning of the video until that part you selected, or you can choose trim end, which will cut it from the part you selected until the end of the movie.

Ok! Now you rearrange the two tracks this way I'm showing you. And then you adjust the fade in and fade out for both tracks, like this!

Now you click this little image here, which is a crop symbol.

You are going to adjust the size of the video to match the size of the little rectangle in your outro image. Remember this is like a mirror, the bigger it gets here the smaller it gets in the file. You go left, the image in the file goes right. You go right, the image goes left. Watch it!

Grab the video and match with the rectangle position.

Save it and exit the cropping.

Now let’s do the same thing with the other video.

Again, I'm using the same video just to show you how to do it.

Add new track, Open the new video, delete the audio track and trim the video for about 40 seconds long.

I'm not going to make a perfect work here. You just need to catch the idea!

Click the crop symbol, and adjust the size and position. Just like the other video!

Photoshop lesson
Adobe Photoshop
Photoshop course
Photoshop software
make an outro for your videos
Photoshop complete course


