As you know,4kids ended season 2 with 20 ep.And Sebi's starts season with 26 we will have 5. more ep. but we have to wait:(.Now 4kids started Sebastian 4 but their way wich is kinda preety an ep. a week but what can i say their way is good .Anyway if you have Sebi's you know that they start dubbing season 2 bc they aired ep.1 of course their way witch is Bloomix song like lycris people and Butterflix song is different and Tynix song is the same:(
I hope they will have a good season.They also say that they will have a season 3 and 4 but they not prepare to say it official.Season 2 it will air on november 21 (1 ep.) at @10:00 so...they also say that they will do an ep.2 and 3(a little part)reveal so...if you will can't watch this 3 can wiew it on 21 november
It will be aired every saturday at @10:00 on Sebi's
Season 1:Not air
Season 2:Every sunday at @7:00(4 ep.)
Season 1:Every Friday and Monday(1 ep.)at @18:00 (they will start this friday)
Season 2:21 november at @10:00
I hope they will have a good season.They also say that they will have a season 3 and 4 but they not prepare to say it official.Season 2 it will air on november 21 (1 ep.) at @10:00 so...they also say that they will do an ep.2 and 3(a little part)reveal so...if you will can't watch this 3 can wiew it on 21 november
It will be aired every saturday at @10:00 on Sebi's
Season 1:Not air
Season 2:Every sunday at @7:00(4 ep.)
Season 1:Every Friday and Monday(1 ep.)at @18:00 (they will start this friday)
Season 2:21 november at @10:00