Fraidy Cat (fragment), is a 1942 one-reel animated cartoon and is the 4th Tom and Jerry short, produced by Fred Quimby for Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer and directed by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. It was released in theaters on January 17, 1942 and re-issued in 1952 for re-release.
This is the first Tom and Jerry cartoon to have Tom yelp in pain, although he also screeches like a cat in this cartoon. It was the first Tom and Jerry wartime cartoon.
Interesting facts:
On Cartoon Network with all of the Mammy Two Shoes were carved, including the moment when Tom pounces on her. You may think that it is Tom Jerry has tired out the burrow.
In this series, Tom says the first time.
All rights reserved Warner Bros. Entertainment.
This is the first Tom and Jerry cartoon to have Tom yelp in pain, although he also screeches like a cat in this cartoon. It was the first Tom and Jerry wartime cartoon.
Interesting facts:
On Cartoon Network with all of the Mammy Two Shoes were carved, including the moment when Tom pounces on her. You may think that it is Tom Jerry has tired out the burrow.
In this series, Tom says the first time.
All rights reserved Warner Bros. Entertainment.