Shadow Realm - drone space blues rock improvisation :: Sleipnir Blue

  • 9 years ago
This is an improvised session using my Yamaha AES800 guitar into my Digitech RP255 multieffects unit (also using the rocker pedal on it for a wah wah) and then into FL Studio 12. I have various patterns of percussion sounds assigned on the four left-most columns of buttons in the grid on the APC40 (column 1 for patterns of mainly cymbol taps ... column 2 for high-hat taps ... column 3 for stick and snare sounds and column 4 for bass drums sounds). Column 5 and 6 I have set to two drone synths. Columnn 7 activates a sequencer and column 8 for a synth I have set to white noise for essentially wind-like sound. The sliders below the button grid I have for the volumes for each of those columns. The sixteen knobs on the far right I have assigned to adjust various aspects of those eight columns. I also have knobs set to adjust reverb, tremolo, chorus, delay for the guitar signal coming into FL Studio. Those 16 endless rotary knobs on the right become 64 assignable knobs by switching between sets with some buttons. As long as you have some logical arrangement of assignments for these knobs that makes sense too you, it can all be remembered. The APC40 is a great unit with which I can control and adjust various percussion (from lighter to more intense or just cut parts out ) and other sounds at the moment. I'm using it with FL Studio 12 using the Performance Mode. Shadow the cat was relaxing in the window and she influenced the title of this musical expression.

David King
