SAR Tonight - 5 Most Dangerous and Powerful Drugs Ep02

  • 9 years ago

SAR Tonight is an animated educational sitcom that promotes awareness and prevention to the viewers. The sitcom provides concrete information based from the trusted sources.

This next episode of SAR Tonight tackles the 2 of the remaining 5 most dangerous and powerful drugs which are Heroin, and Meth. As the show goes, the host and their guests are talking about their effects to the human body and also the hideous deaths of drug overdose that increases over the years. The serious conversations were put into a funny and entertaining interviews yet still delivering the dose of thoughtful information about the dangers of using drugs.

Their effects are not jokes, they are lethal to everyone who will get addicted and overdosed to them. Be wise on thinking of taking such things, would they be beneficial to you? Or would they just be the cause of your demise?

Substance Abuse Recovery is sharing this to increase the awareness and also the prevention of people who are using, or are planning to use such substances. We do not want you to be part of the next victim or be involved with another increase of deaths through the year.

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