Everything Must Go!

  • 17 years ago
On this day, September 11th, 2042, a history altering event occurred that will shake the 21st Century like the global warming induced tsunamis devastating the pristine coasts of Switzerland. On this morning, at dawn, we, the Subrealism Action Group, at a very elite shop in the heart of the capital's biggest commercial district, whose name we won’t reveal to prevent them from exploiting this action for publicity purposes (we won't fall for your tricks) - graffitied "NO TO CONSUMERISM" on its façade. If by tonight, the government hasn't completely collapsed following this unprecedented blow struck at its very reason for being - we still assure the guard dogs of the Established Order of our absolute resolve. To reiterate and without hesitation: Very dear (potential) revolutionary comrades-to-be, see you soon and, never forget, be subversive: say NO TO CONSUMERISM!

Subrealism Action Group


