Watch this great CGI 3D Animated short film by the talented Ben Brand, and made with support of Caviar Amsterdam, animation studio Fube, the dutch filmfund .
This short film was a students project at a film shchool in Germany and won several awards.
Watch 3d animation and more at An old man shares his life story with his young grandchild through evocative music. The song is: .
Tags: Life is Beautiful, Life is Beautiful film, Life is Beautiful animated, Life is Beautiful animation, Life is Beautiful cartoon, Life is Beautiful tv, life.
This short film was a students project at a film shchool in Germany and won several awards.
Watch 3d animation and more at An old man shares his life story with his young grandchild through evocative music. The song is: .
Tags: Life is Beautiful, Life is Beautiful film, Life is Beautiful animated, Life is Beautiful animation, Life is Beautiful cartoon, Life is Beautiful tv, life.