Obama reinforces Iran win

  • 9 years ago
Democrats clinched the crucial US Senate votes Tuesday to block passage of a disapproval resolution against the Iran nuclear accord, an outcome that would be a major victory for President Barack Obama against united Republican opposition.
The declarations of support by three Democrats, bringing the total to 41, should block those who oppose or might oppose the deal - 54 Republicans and three Democrats - from passing a resolution of disapproval that would require the president to use his veto power.
Early on Tuesday, Sen. Joe Manchin announced his opposition to the deal, a surprise "no" vote from a moderate Democrat who had sounded like he favored the pact.
The agreement struck by Iran, the US and five world powers in July will provide Iran hundreds of billions of dollars in relief from international sanctions in exchange for a decade of constraints on the country's nuclear program.
"This agreement will stand," Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid, a Democrat, said in a speech Tuesday at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
