EU urges calm on Temple Mount as Iran demands Muslim summit

  • 9 years ago
After three days of clashes between Israeli police and stone-throwing Muslim protesters on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, the European Union warned Tuesday against any "provocation," while Iran called for an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation to condemn Israel.
"The reported violence and escalation (at the site) constitute a provocation and incitement" ahead of important Jewish and Muslim holy days, European Commission spokeswoman Maja Kocijancic told reporters in Brussels.
Iran's Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Marzieh Afkham, called for "Islamic countries to condemn the aggression of the Zionist regime against the Muslim holy places," the official IRNA news agency said.
The UN and US also have urged restraint on both sides amid the latest clashes, while Jordan, which has custodianship rights over Muslim holy places in Jerusalem under its 1994 peace treaty with Israel, has warned that ties were at stake.
