பச்சைத் தமிழகம் ஒருங்கிணைப்பாளர் சுப.உதயகுமாரன்

  • 9 years ago
மொழியுரிமை மாநாட்டில் பச்சைத் தமிழகம் ஒருங்கிணைப்பாளர் சுப.உதயகுமாரன் அவர்களின் உரை.

// September, 20, 2015 will be marked as an important historical day not just for Tamils but for all the diverse linguistic groups of India and also a notable day in the history of fight for linguistic equality in the global arena. //

Thanks Arun Natraj Chandru

Arun Che writes this in PLE group:

Language Rights Conference:
When mother Hindi tried to heartlessly abduct me to mentally enslave saying you must grow as my foster son, they our martyrs are the one who rescued and reunited me with my mother Tamil and helped me to grow in the shadow of her warmth and care. Salute to all those Martyrs who bravely fought against the Hindi Imperialism.
September, 20, 2015 will be marked as an important historical day not just for Tamils but for all the diverse linguistic groups of India and also a notable day in the history of fight for linguistic equality in the global arena. Today the humidity caused by the representative from seashore states of India (such as Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Odisha, Tamil Nadu, Andra Pradesh and West Bengal) proved to even melt the coldness of Himalayan terrain , then why not the cold hearted politicians of Delhi! Today’s conference spreads solidarity and equality among all Indian citizens from different language speaking community. Indian nationalism is struck in the sinkhole called Hindi nationalism, before it immerses completely the intellects and activists of non-Hindi community vowed to rediscover Indian nationalism with multicultural face.
If Hindi is a sinkhole, English is like a spider web and we are the prey. We have deliberately given only two choices either to be burnt alive or buried alive. This is the current pathetic status of linguistic policy in India.
‘Men who learning gain have eyes, men say;
Blockheads' faces pairs of sores display” (couplet 393) in this couplet Thiruvalluvar explains the importance of education. Whereas our language policy replaced it with Men who learning Hindi/English gain have eyes. We are directly or indirectly forced to compulsorily learn Hindi or English. Such destructive policy forcefully chained millions of people in darkness called illiteracy that will also lead to poverty indeed. Almost every speaker has pointed out that such backward policy and barbaric imposition of Hindi and Sanskrit will soon going to be a great treat to India’s national integration and unity.
It is such a shame that our languages are considered as languages with no potential for fetching jobs or higher education and that too in our own lands. It is not just a demand it is our right to have our languages as official language of the union. We should remember our linguistic right is our birth rights. We should strongly fight for linguistic rights else our languages will be sidelined by Hindi imperialism and elitist mentality created by English hegemony. If this situation continues, our future generations will feel inferior to even talk in their mother tongue. We cannot and need not worried about protecting our languages which are many a centuries older than us; the truth is our languages are the one which protects us, our history, our culture, our arts, our grammar, our literature. Let’s vow not to forget or feel ashamed to speak our mother tongue that’s the least favor we could do for our language and our future generations to follow.
- Arjun Che


