HOLY CRAP: Muslim teen punches girl in the face, then stomps her on ground over her clothing!

  • 9 years ago
Wow, this is quite shocking! A Muslim teen in Rotterdam reportedly walks up to a woman and punches her in the face over the way she is dressed. After he knocks her down, he and a friend stomp the girl while she’s on the ground. It’s very brutal!

Video of the incident was uploaded to Facebook after taking place in Rotterdam, Netherlands. In the clip, a Muslim man approached a woman to object to her choice of outfit, thinking she was dressed immodestly – a sleeveless t-shirt. Hardly street-walking attire.

He starts out the conversation by saying, “You dress like a whore,” and it got ugly real fast after that. Understandably the woman’s initial reaction was to argue with the man. But as with so many misogynistic Muslim men, that just set off his rage…

This video doesn’t seem to give all the context that is given above. For all I know this could have been his girlfriend or something. Either way, his reaction was absolutely horrible

Unfortunately beating women, as we all know, is the norm in the Muslim world. Here we have the famous Omar Sharif slapping a woman, yelling in Arabic at her “why don’t you use your brains!”
