Go Single Lady 上流俗女 ep8

  • 9 years ago
Wang Man Ling (Ady An) is a crass young lady that is the daughter of a wealthy pig farmer who live and dresses modestly. She also drives a modest van with pigs painted allover it. When a failed attempt to get her longtime boyfriend Peter to propose marriage to her at a friends wedding reception ends with him dumping her and telling in front of everyone how he can't stand her she makes a promise to him and all their friends that she will find a guy more handsome, better and wealthier than him to marry her. Her first step into finding the guy is have her best friend Gao Tou Wen who works at a matchmaking service introduce her to guys on blind dates, but non seem to fit her requirements and each date ends with her flipping the table.

Fan Jiang Yu (Mike He) is a second generation heir who lives off of his father's wealth. He lives extravagantly and doesn't have a care on how he spends his money. If his materialistic designer girlfriend Li Ya Zi (Zhang Xianzi) doesn't think the color of the car he is driving that day matches her outfit color he carelessly spends his money to buy a new car on the spot that will match his girlfriend's outfit. Due to his father's illness their company stocks drops overnight leaving him almost broke.

The two meet by accident when Man Ling thinks Jiang Yu is the absolute last blind date Tou Wen will set her up on, while Jiang Yu thinks Man Ling is an artiste that he has to piss off to cut ties with his parents charity. Wanting to prove to her dad and Tou Wen that this blind date won't end with her flipping the table she holds her temper while taking insults from Jiang Yu. Jiang Yu seeing how he isn't getting any reactions from Man Ling decides to flip the table and end their meeting. Mad that Jiang Yu had insulted her and flipped the table before she did Man Ling decides to stalk him outside the men's room and give him a beat down.

Once their confusion is cleared that he isn't really her blind date and she isn't the artiste mooching from his charity, the two make a deal where he will teach her how to act and dress like the rich in exchange for her paying him.

