UN desperately seeking solution to refugee crisis

  • 9 years ago
As the world faces its worst refugee crisis since World War II UN Secretary General Ban-Ki Moon has convened a meeting on migration and refugee movements on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly.

Ban Ki-moon discussed response to refugee & migrant crisis at meeting with @EU_Commission: http://t.co/PNZwr05RhX pic.twitter.com/UNRb5xixzM— UN Spokesperson (@UN_Spokesperson) September 27, 2015

Mr Ban called for an end to prejudice and scaremongering and demanded greater diplomatic efforts to end the war in Syria.

Hungary has been in spotlight as thousands of asylum seekers have poured across its borders.

Orban non è un santo, ma non è nemmeno il diavolo http://t.co/p8zGvUPuY1 pic.twitter.com/aULwgEDXeo— TEMPI (@Tempi_it) September 18, 2015

The country’s prime minister Viktor Orbán believes the influx bodes ill for Europe: “At the Hungarian borders, they are coming from Syria, Iraq, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and most recently from the Sub-Saharan region. Let me make it absol


