Citrus Limoni | Selfie everyday for 8 years ∞ 12 yrs old to 20 yrs old! ∞

  • 9 yıl önce
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Check out my Selfie Everyday F.A.Q.: https://www./watchviC8TOGEY5BY

I was taking selfies before it was mainstream... I take a photo of myself everyday from the age of 12 to the age of 20. An ongoing project.

Since all of you have been asking for an update from me for quite some time: here's my selfie everyday project updated to September 2015! Yes, I still take the selfies everyday and will continue to do so forever.

What can you expect in the next month I'm working on a couple big projects. The most timeconsuming one is realigning and resizing every selfie by hand to make a perfect stabilized video. You can check the stabilized version preview! here

Still want more Check out some of my other uploads hCornellier/videos

30/09/2015 WOWI can't believe how big this video has gotten so quick. I appreciate all the views and the comments everyone! Thanks!


