eveline cosmetics channel

  • 9 years ago
Eveline Cosmetics was established in 1983 and nowadays it is one of the major cosmetic producers in Poland. Our offer encompasses wide spectrum of products – from make-up to face and body care. We are present in Poland as well as on many foreign markets. For more then 29 years we have been selling our products in more then 70 countries all over the world. Many years of experience, high quality, reasonable prices and guaranteed effectiveness of our products have earned us the trust of our clients. We value innovation, good packaging design, balanced price-quality relationship and quick response to new trends – that is why we create cosmetics meeting the expectations and needs of our clients. Together we discover the secrets of natural beauty.

Thanks to the vast experience gained on various markets we are fully aware how important the choice of the formula is. Creating every single item with Eveline Cosmetics signature we put all our efforts to meet the expectations of the client, and to prepare such an offer in which everyone will find the highest quality product suiting his or her needs.

There are three basic values we keep in mind while developing each of our products – innovation, quality and professionalism. We adopt the latest achievements in the world’s cosmetology and create technologically advanced products that must pass severe quality-control tests. The control process encompasses all production phases. It begins as early as in the phase when the recipe is being developed, and then it goes through the production process, then distribution, and finally sales – on Polish as well as foreign markets.

Our laboratory, in accordance with the cosmetic industry regulations, analyzes all our formulas verifying microbiological standards, recipes etc. We are open for changes, we follow new trends on the market and listen to our clients‘ suggestions. It helps us constantly improve our offer – not only the quality of products, but also such miner things as, for instance, the design of packaging, leaflets and labels. That is why the company has been so successful for the last 29 years.

Eveline Cosmetics has been present on Polish market for 29 years. Today we are one of the major domestic cosmetic producers, and our products are available in all major commercial centres, as well as in beauty parlours and chemist’s all over the country.

We are constantly improving our products, adjusting them to the needs and challenges of the market. We are expending our offer and continuously developing our domestic distribution network. The result of these actions is a continuous rise in the sales value of our products. Since 2004 we have managed to quadruple our sales. We’ve become a market leader in anti-cellulite treatment category, considering both - the sales value and quantity. Slim Extreme 3D line is now one of the most recognizable slimming treatment brands in Poland.

Our products are often prized, both by clients (Perfection of the Year by Twój Styl monthly, Oscar in Cosmetics, Prix de Beaute, Cult Cosmetic etc.), and by business professionals – in 2007 we received Business Gazelle and Top Innowacja (Top Innovation) awards. The trust of our clients and the recognition we’ve gained stimulate our further development.
Eveline Cosmetics products are available in more then 70 countries all over the world, and the list of new markets is continuously expending. We’ve gained a renowned position in most of the Central European (Czech Republic, Slovenia, Hungary) and Eastern European (traditional Russian-speaking markets) countries. Our products are also very popular in Balkans – in Croatia, Serbia and Romania; in Bulgaria we are a vice-leader on tanning treatment market. We are also present in the United States, Finland, Taiwan and South Korea, and Arabic countries such as Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Iraq. Such a wide activity area enabled us to succeed in sales culminating yearly in more then 70 million pieces.

That is why we have been given two significant prizes - the Exporter of the Year and the InterCharm Gold Medal Poland.

The trust of the foreign clients is gained mainly due to our quality policy. We constantly verify the quality of products exported to various countries. Our company, as well as the production plant, are being often audited by representatives of certifying institutions from all the countries we export our products to.

This way we are able to confirm the quality policy and regulatory compliance with the requirements of the given country. The last audit was conducted at the end of the last year. As a result Eveline Cosmetics received a positive opinion by an Iranian certifying institution. For such a policy we have been prized with a Transparent Company certificate, given by an international corporation Dun & Bradstreet. Our company’s high flexibility, allowing quick response to the new trends and changes in the cosmetic industry, and consequent quality policy are the key factors enabling our succ