Chase Utley's dirty slide | Ruben Tejeda's leg broke | Mets vs Dodgers NLDS

  • 9 years ago
Chase Utley dirty slide Ruben Tejeda's leg broke Mets vs Dodgers NLDS

Chase Utley ruled safe at second base after instant replay despite the fact that he never touched the bag, Howie Kendrick hits a force out with the help of Chase Utley's sick slide with breaks a double play and ties the game!!
Other reaction on Chase Utley's dirty slide
Michael Cuddyer Calls Chase Utley's Slide a Tackle
Terry Collins is Still Pissed Off About Chase Utley's Dirty Slide
Cora on Utley slide: It was a dirty tackle
also Mets Fans Boo Chase Utley During Pregame Introductions
