100 Years of Halloween Costumes in 3 Minutes ★ Mode.com

  • 9 years ago
Carving pumpkins, sipping cider, and trick-or-treating may all be indicative of Halloween, but nothing gets us into the spirit more than dressing up. For centuries, people have celebrated Halloween with costumes that run the gamut from spooky to sweet. Today, we’re revisiting Halloween costumes one decade at a time, and ending with a 2015 costume guaranteed to break the Internet: http://mode.com/mode-video!

Get more Halloween inspiration on Mode: http://www.mode.com/stories/halloween...

{ Model } Ashton https://instagram.com/ashtonish/
{ Music Tracks } on Premium Beat -
Trick or Treat by: Notes Productions
A Quite Extraordinary Tale by: Richard Canavan
Good Call by: Olive Musique
Bump in the Nightby: Emmett Cooke
Mario's Drum Circle by: Brightside Studio
Choir Bus Chase by: Brightside Studio
Unhuh by: Brightside Studio

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