They Can't Hang Me (1955)
75 min | Crime, Drama | October 1955 (UK)
A senior civil servant is condemned to hang for murder but he claims to have top secret security information...
Director: Val Guest
Writers: Val Guest, Leonard Mosley (novel)
Stars: Terence Morgan, Yolande Donlan, Anthony Oliver
75 min | Crime, Drama | October 1955 (UK)
A senior civil servant is condemned to hang for murder but he claims to have top secret security information...
Director: Val Guest
Writers: Val Guest, Leonard Mosley (novel)
Stars: Terence Morgan, Yolande Donlan, Anthony Oliver
Short filmTranscript
00:00Ah, come in, gentlemen. Sorry to rope you in on this, Brown.
00:03Always happy to help the murder squad, sir.
00:05Robert Pitt. His appeal's been dismissed and he's down to be hanged on the fourth.
00:09Yes, I know, sir.
00:10Did you follow the case at all?
00:11Avidly, sir.
00:13We've had rather an unusual request from the governor at Pentonville.
00:16Pitt is insisting that he has important information to impart.
00:18They always do, sir. Anything to spin out time.
00:21Maybe. But Pitt's taking a new line.
00:23He says his information is vital to the security of this country.
00:26Do they believe him?
00:27Well, either way he has to be heard.
00:29I've told the governor you're on the way down.
00:31Pitt has specifically requested to see Inspector Brown of the Special Branch.
00:34How does he know about me?
00:35Must be fame at last.
00:36Send me a report when you get back.
00:38You better stand by, but leave Pentonville to Brown.
00:40Yes, sir.
00:44Well, that successfully takes care of my poker for tonight.
00:46I don't see why you heard what the man said.
00:48You're here to relax and let Special Branch take care of everything.
00:51Get my home, please.
00:52All right, but just remember that in your fine, strong, capable hands rests my evening...
00:58What? There must be a reply. Keep ringing.
01:19Inspector Brown is not at home.
01:20No, Harold. Inspector Brown is at his office trying to get through to you.
01:23I'm sorry if I disturbed you.
01:25Oh, that's quite all right, sir, but I'm afraid I've some bad news for you.
01:28The set of Russian matchbox tops, the one from the Imperial Hotel Petrograd, is beginning to peel.
01:33Now, I hesitate to stick it back with paste because the paper they used in Russia before the Revolution...
01:37Harold, later you can give me a complete resume of the whole history of Russian wood pulp.
01:41Now I want you to ring Miss Jill and tell her I'll be an hour late.
01:44Yes, sir.
01:45To go direct to Pitt's house and wait for you.
01:47Very good, sir.
01:48Mind you, if your French set started to peel, it wouldn't be nearly so serious because you...
01:56He's out.
01:57Does that mean I have to wait on the match?
01:59Sorry, miss. I'm very sorry.
02:03I wasn't expecting you.
02:05Was anybody?
02:06Oh, yes. He's just been on.
02:08He wanted to talk to you.
02:09Oh, no, not again.
02:11Delayed for about an hour. He said to wait for you at Pitt's.
02:14I don't know if I could face him at Pitt's again. It was four hours last time.
02:17The head waiter offered to drive me home.
02:19Oh, I'm sorry, miss. I'm afraid I can't.