You would think they would not do stupid stuff like this. Notice the equipment he is using has been used before. He probably makes it all the time and sells it on .\r
Today I show you how to make meth. Although I do not support the use or production of illegal drugs, substances or eggs, I do know that some people may want .\r
Jeff the Chef demonstrates how he makes meth using the dangerous shake and bake method. DRUGS, INC AIRS SUNDAYS at 9P.\r
The Meth Business Shake And Bake Documentary The Swede.
Today I show you how to make meth. Although I do not support the use or production of illegal drugs, substances or eggs, I do know that some people may want .\r
Jeff the Chef demonstrates how he makes meth using the dangerous shake and bake method. DRUGS, INC AIRS SUNDAYS at 9P.\r
The Meth Business Shake And Bake Documentary The Swede.
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