• 10 years ago
All Over the Town (1949)
Approved | 83 min | Drama, Comedy | 25 April 1949 (UK)

In West England, two crusading reporters revive a failing newspaper and expose local corruption, in this engaging romantic comedy.

Director: Derek N. Twist

Writers: R.F. Delderfield (novel), Michael Gordon

Stars: Norman Wooland, Sarah Churchill, Cyril Cusack
00:00Hello, Grimmett.
00:15Excuse me.
00:16I'm Sally Thorpe from the Clarion.
00:18Are you?
00:20I'm Nat Hearn.
00:21Sir, I've gathered.
00:24Not exactly what I expected.
00:25Sorry if I've disappointed you.
00:26I suppose you realise you've caused quite a panic at the Clarion.
00:34I was only there for five minutes.
00:35Well, that's just it.
00:36Mrs Vane and Kurt prepared a great welcome for you.
00:40How is old Sam?
00:41Still trying to square his conscience with the advertising revenue?
00:44I'm fetching a bit of tar for a bottom net.
00:47Been trying to find you all day.
00:52The paint.
00:53It's wet.
00:57Sit down.
00:59Mr Hearn, when are you coming back to the Clarion?
01:03I've had my notice and I want to make my plans.
01:06You mean they've given you the sack already?
01:07Well, why not?
01:08I was only brought in to keep your place warm.
01:12Everyone says how well you've been doing.
01:13Why should you give it up for me?
01:14But I'm dying to give it up.
01:15I've been counting the days till you got back.
01:18But I wouldn't do your dreary job for anything in the world.
01:23What's dreary about it?
01:24You don't think that reporting Tormaugh's trivialities is a life's work, do you?
01:29Well, why not?
01:30A local paper's quite important, you know.
01:33More important in some ways than a national daily.
01:35The people who read it are the people who run it, if you see what I mean.
01:39Did you ever try to tell Sam that?
01:42No, not then.
01:43You see, I was only a cub reporter.
01:44Well, you're a big boy now.
01:46Here's your chance.
01:47The job's yours.
01:49Just a minute.
01:50Thank heavens, that's settled.
01:51But you can't...
