• 10 years ago
Pursuit (1972)
Movie | 73 min | Drama, Thriller | 12 December 1972 (USA)

A political extremist plans to spread stolen nerve gas in a city where a political convention is being held. Government agents are sent to catch him.

Director: Michael Crichton

Writers: Michael Crichton (novel) (as John Lange), Robert Dozier

Stars: Ben Gazzara, E.G. Marshall, William Windom
00:02:52Well, the delegates, please take their seats
00:02:56It would be very helpful if the delegates and the alternates would please take their seats
00:03:04Will the delegates please clear the aisle?
00:03:09Will the sergeant of arms and the brain employees
00:03:26Please take your seats
00:04:50When a government ignores the wishes of his people
00:04:54When it cloaks its actions in secrecy and deceit
00:04:59Saying one thing publicly and privately doing the opposite
00:05:03When it betrays our gallant allies to seek accommodation with our communist enemies
00:05:09And my friends it is time for loyal Americans to act
00:05:17What can a person do
00:05:19If you think your vote can change anything you're wrong your vote is meaningless
00:05:24You are given an empty choice between two political parties whose only real difference lies
00:05:30In the name by which they call themselves
00:05:37Our countries
00:05:39Traditional means of political expression have been used to render us impotent
00:05:45Impotence inability to act inability to be effective. This is what we must change
00:05:53This is what we shall change
00:05:56With the help of God and by any means available to us
00:06:07James Wright made that speech three months ago by the way
00:06:12James Wright made that speech three months ago before the annual conference of Americans for a better nation
00:06:19An extremist group that he started and still runs
00:06:23Now it's a small organization with little or no impact on national politics
00:06:29However in the past three years Wright has poured 1.7 million dollars of his own money into its operation
00:06:37Money doesn't seem to matter to him but the lack of impact the impotence
00:06:43Matters a great deal
00:06:46Stephen Graves has been in charge of Wright's surveillance in the San Diego area for the past two months
00:06:56The two points number one Eddie Trasker
00:07:00Eddie Trasker is a resident of Las Vegas 53 years old
00:07:04In the last two months James Wright has seen him nearly every week mostly during the early hours of the morning
00:07:10Trasker is currently under indictment for grand larceny involving hijacking of interstate commerce shipments
00:07:17Timothy Drew
00:07:19Ex-army officer with a background in computers
00:07:23Wright has also been friendly with this man
00:07:27The meaning of both these associations is as yet unclear
00:07:36I arranged this meeting because that condition no longer prevails
00:07:41Mr. Stark
00:07:42I've been in special projects division the last six months checking call up locations to government databanks
00:07:50Because we've discovered online thefts of government information
00:07:54Now in theory anyone with a knowledge of computers and access to the proper code
00:07:59Could tap into the system and call out any information he wanted
00:08:03Classified information
00:08:05Timothy Drew
00:08:09By a process of elimination we've been able to discover that Timothy Drew posing as a computer repairman
00:08:16Was the person stealing defense department secrets
00:08:19And the question before this committee now
00:08:23Is whether or not to authorize the arrest of James Wright
00:08:27On what charge?
00:08:30Conspiracy to steal classified information
00:08:35You've shown me evidence of an association but not a conspiracy
00:08:40Well I think we have ample reason to apprehend Wright at this time
00:08:43I feel we should
00:08:46I don't like it
00:08:50Perhaps a discreet interrogation wouldn't hurt
00:08:56What makes you think James Wright is going to crack under a discreet interrogation?
00:09:01I think we have to pick him up
00:09:03Yeah and after we release him and it goes to the newspapers
00:09:06A private citizen needlessly harassed
00:09:08What do you accomplish?
00:09:10What have you accomplished under two months surveillance?
00:09:14Now look
00:09:15We know that James Wright is surfacing right?
00:09:18We all know he's up to something
00:09:19You have to give me more time
00:09:23This isn't a game
00:09:25Now you've gone out on a limb before
00:09:27And lost
00:09:28If there was any other way we'd do it but there isn't
00:09:30You have to give me more time
00:09:37You've got till six o'clock tonight
00:09:39But I want him in custody by six o'clock
00:09:42You understand that?
00:09:45Somebody better notify the federal marshal
00:09:47They've already been notified
00:09:49They'll be waiting for your call
00:09:52Six o'clock Steve
00:10:02You and your games
00:10:13...and confidence
00:10:14It's thirty-eight votes
00:10:16For the next vice president of the United States
00:10:22And the...
00:10:25The chair...
00:10:26Must... must...
00:10:27The chair must...
00:10:29Follow through
00:10:32...of this convention
00:10:34The motion is not in order
00:10:42There seems to be some trouble in the roll call
00:10:44Yesterday this convention hall had trouble with its microphones
00:10:48The delegates aren't paying any attention
00:10:50Or I just don't know what
00:10:52In any case this roll call is going very slowly
00:10:56The federal marshal's checked in a half hour ago
00:11:01When do we make the arrest?
00:11:03I think I'll hold off for a while
00:11:07At least until this afternoon
00:11:31...and confidence
00:11:32...of this convention
00:11:34...of this convention
00:11:36...of this convention
00:11:39Time did right quit last night
00:11:41Lights out at nine
00:11:44Pretty early for that, isn't it?
00:11:46That's what it said on the time clock sheet
00:11:53Never happened before
00:11:57Let's see
00:12:00June 5th
00:12:02He had the flu
00:12:09There he is
00:12:15Right on schedule
00:12:29He's looking right over here
00:12:32Think he's on to us?
00:12:34I don't think so
00:12:37They're pretty careful
00:12:38Different cars every day
00:12:39Different clothes
00:12:42I don't think so
00:12:59June 5th
00:13:01He had the flu
00:13:03There he is
00:13:05Right on schedule
00:13:07He's looking right over here
00:13:09Think he's on to us?
00:13:11I don't think so
00:13:13They're pretty careful
00:13:15Different cars every day
00:13:17Different clothes
00:13:19I don't think so
00:13:21They're pretty careful
00:13:23I don't think so
00:13:25They're pretty careful
00:13:27They're pretty careful
00:13:30Pretty careful
00:13:31Maybe a little more careful
00:13:33Maybe a little more careful
00:13:49Ever hunt?
00:13:51Yeah, a couple of times
00:13:53My father was a hunter
00:13:55My father was a hunter.
00:13:57I just never cared much for it.
00:14:00He used to take me with him.
00:14:02Remember, he'd track an animal and talk about it like it was an old friend.
00:14:06He'd discuss the psychic state of a moose or a deer.
00:14:10What it was thinking, try to figure it out.
00:14:13He'd try to figure out how it would react,
00:14:16where it would make its mistake.
00:14:19Remember once he said,
00:14:22I thought he meant the trail.
00:14:24But the trail was there, very clear.
00:14:27And then I realized that what my father meant
00:14:31was that he no longer knew what the animal was doing.
00:14:35Plastics manufacturer in a machine shop.
00:14:41You managed to find out what he bought at that other machine shop last week?
00:14:45Two 12-foot lengths of flexible stainless steel hosing.
00:14:50Expensive and unusual.
00:14:53Why unusual?
00:14:55The guy told me nobody buys that kind of hosing anymore.
00:14:59You see, stainless steel is only used for corrosive materials
00:15:03like concentrated dyes and gases.
00:15:06These days, most of the corrosive material is pumped through glass piping.
00:15:12The glass isn't flexible.
00:15:21As the wind of Lincoln,
00:15:24the common sense of Lincoln,
00:15:27the human compassion of Lincoln,
00:15:30and the unusual ability to relate common sense solutions
00:15:35to the challenge of present day...
00:15:50...is what makes Lincoln so special.
00:16:08Why is he doing this all by himself?
00:16:11In person.
00:16:13Why shouldn't he do it by himself?
00:16:15Maybe he's too smart for that.
00:16:21He's daring us to figure it out.
00:16:39Hey, what are you doing?
00:16:41Go see what he's buying.
00:16:43It's a little risky, isn't it?
00:16:45Doesn't matter. Have to arrest him today anyway.
00:16:51You understand this isn't your standard 72-cubic-foot tank.
00:16:55It holds only 25 minutes of air at best.
00:16:57I'll need two of them.
00:16:59I think we have another in the stockroom.
00:17:01Was there anything in particular?
00:17:03Yes, I'm looking for a depth gauge.
00:17:05Oh, you'll find them all right there. I'll be with you in a minute.
00:17:13You do a lot of diving?
00:17:17Present for my son.
00:17:19Diving's always seemed a little too dangerous for me.
00:17:22There's a certain thrill in danger, though.
00:17:24Not for me.
00:17:27You prefer golf?
00:17:37Poker can be very challenging.
00:17:39Just like any other game, when you get too good,
00:17:42you're limited in your opponents.
00:17:44Yes, I've found that.
00:17:46Still, I admire the young with her exuberance for physical sports.
00:17:49It raises the stakes, so to speak.
00:17:52It hurts. Severely injured, even killed.
00:17:55Good luck, Mr. Johnson. Our last tank.
00:17:57Shall I put it in your car?
00:17:59That'll be fine. Thank you.
00:18:15I suppose you went right up and talked to him.
00:18:18No. He talked to me.
00:18:22You're just toying with him, Steve.
00:18:24Playing a game.
00:18:44This is great.
00:18:47The grave's over.
00:18:49What's that about?
00:18:51I'm no joke.
00:18:53You can't be serious.
00:18:55I'm serious.
00:18:58I mean it.
00:19:00It's a secret.
00:19:02You can't be serious.
00:19:04I'm serious.
00:19:08You can't be serious.
00:19:10I'm serious.
00:19:12I mean it.
00:19:14Take up Wright's limousine on Avenue D and 13th Street.
00:19:17Heading west on Avenue D.
00:19:19Continuous events.
00:19:21702 out.
00:19:24Call the federal marshals.
00:19:26Have them meet me there.
00:19:28We're going to arrest that man.
00:19:30Is he somebody important?
00:19:32That, my friend, is Timothy Drew.
00:19:34I want to see my lawyer.
00:19:37I want to see my lawyer.
00:19:45I want to see my lawyer.
00:19:48Who are you guys, anyway?
00:19:50You got no right to come busting in here and bothering me.
00:19:53Mr. Drew.
00:19:55Why did James Wright give you $20,000?
00:20:07San Diego to Mexico City.
00:20:102.30 this afternoon. First class.
00:20:13One way.
00:20:17Yes, of course.
00:20:19My sister lives in Mexico City.
00:20:21She's very sick.
00:20:23I have monies for her.
00:20:24You don't have a sister.
00:20:27You don't have a sister.
00:20:29You don't have a sister.
00:20:31You don't have a sister.
00:20:33You don't have a sister.
00:20:36You do have a brother.
00:20:38Two years older than you. Lives in Salem, Oregon.
00:20:40He's in the insurance business.
00:20:42Your father's still alive.
00:20:44Lives in Michigan.
00:20:46Mother died three years ago of a heart attack.
00:20:52I want to see my lawyer.
00:20:54You advise him of his rights?
00:20:56Yeah, well, you're going to need a lawyer, Mr. Drew.
00:21:00Because you've been arrested on a charge of conspiracy to murder.
00:21:04A charge of conspiracy to steal confidential documents.
00:21:07That carries a mandatory prison term of 20 years.
00:21:10No parole possible.
00:21:15Now, you can do one of two things.
00:21:18You can try to beat that rap.
00:21:20In which case, you'll be out of prison by the time you're 54 years old.
00:21:24Or you can cooperate with me.
00:21:28Now, what information did you tap out of that defense databank for Wright?
00:21:35What information?
00:21:49It was in two areas.
00:21:52The first was a defense department supply reading for military transport.
00:21:57Transport of what?
00:21:59I don't know.
00:22:03I swear I don't.
00:22:05All I know is the code name.
00:22:07What was that?
00:22:09Binary 75 slash 76.
00:22:14What's a binary?
00:22:16What's a binary?
00:22:21It's a system composed of two distinct interacting parts.
00:22:28Like in binary stars, binary numbers, binary gases.
00:22:32That's all I know about it, I swear.
00:22:42Oh, uh...
00:22:45You said the information was in two parts. What was the second part?
00:22:49Uh, the State Department. Personnel file.
00:22:52Yeah? On who?
00:22:56Somebody in the intelligence division.
00:22:58Wright seemed particularly interested in the psychological profile of this man.
00:23:02What's his name?
00:23:04Uh... Grayson, I think. Something like that.
00:23:09No, uh, no. Um, it was Graves. Stephen Graves.
00:23:21Lock and load.
00:23:23Lock and load.
00:23:42Operator, this is Mobile QM78234.
00:23:45Have you put my call through to Captain Morrison in Washington yet?
00:23:49Well, are you sure you wouldn't like the specifications on our ABM sites while you're at it?
00:23:54I don't have time for hysterics, Malcolm. Now just tell me what it is.
00:23:57Binary 75 slash 76. What are you, kidding?
00:24:01This is an open line, Stephen.
00:24:03And I'm not in the mood for sarcasm either. This is important.
00:24:06You know, Stephen, this sounds like a matter the defense ought to look into.
00:24:09As a matter of fact, I'd be really interested to find out just how you got that coding in the first place.
00:24:14Oh, look, suppose you forward us a complete report.
00:24:17Along with a requisition. It's your AB212 form. That's the little green one.
00:24:21I may be able to release that data to you in the next few days. And look, in the future...
00:24:24Hello? Hello?
00:24:34I'm beginning to understand James Wright's preoccupation with impotence.
00:24:45702 to 701.
00:24:50We followed Wright to that new apartment he rented last week on 15th Street.
00:24:54He's moving a lot of straight-looking stuff into the building.
00:25:02What did Wright buy this morning?
00:25:04In the first place, two vacuum-molded plastic tanks.
00:25:07Six foot long, one foot in diameter.
00:25:10Very strong and highly flammable.
00:25:12What about the machine shaft?
00:25:14Got one stainless steel T-nozzle.
00:25:16That's the kind of a coupling that brings two hoses together at a common outlet.
00:25:20Two flexible stainless steel hoses.
00:25:23Yeah, and the last one doesn't have any connection with anything.
00:25:26What was that?
00:25:28You got a custom-fitted wetsuit.
00:25:30See, it's the kind of skin divers wear.
00:25:33Doesn't make any sense.
00:25:35Well, it does to Wright.
00:25:38Still set up inside?
00:25:40Should be.
00:25:52What have you got?
00:25:54Have a look.
00:26:07Let's go.
00:26:38Wright make any calls?
00:26:40Yeah, just one. 289-1212.
00:26:55San Diego weather.
00:26:57Mostly fair today with low clouds and fog along the coast tonight.
00:27:01The present temperature is 85 degrees.
00:27:05Did you notice the notches in those two saw hoses?
00:27:09Yeah, about 12 inches wide.
00:27:11Wright cut those in sub just before you got here.
00:27:14That's odd.
00:27:16Two plastic tanks, six feet long, 12 inches in diameter.
00:27:20The red's coming back in.
00:27:33What's that?
00:27:35Measures wind velocity.
00:27:43Graves here.
00:27:45Stephen, I just got a rather incoherent and angry call from Morrison at the Pentagon.
00:27:50What's going on down there?
00:27:52Nothing to get excited about.
00:27:54All the same, I think I'll come down on the next plane from Los Angeles.
00:27:57Well, look, before you do, I want you to find out something for me.
00:28:00Binary 75-76.
00:28:04It's a Defense Department code designation.
00:28:06That's 75-76, binary.
00:28:14Phillips is coming down.
00:28:17Very nervous.
00:28:18Wright's leaving.
00:28:20He doesn't seem to believe in curtains, does he?
00:28:23Yeah, that's the first thing he did when he arrived.
00:28:25Open the curtains.
00:28:27Yeah, well, he wants me to see what he's doing.
00:28:29Why would he do that?
00:28:32Do a game he's playing.
00:28:41Didn't Wright run for governor of California once?
00:28:44He campaigned for the nomination, didn't even come close.
00:28:52Who's this Dr. Wolfe you're having lunch with?
00:28:55My psychiatrist.
00:28:59I'm sorry.
00:29:16There's really nothing sinister about it, Stephen.
00:29:18He told me he was making a routine security check.
00:29:22His questions had to do with your ability to hold a sensitive government job.
00:29:26He had the proper identification.
00:29:29Is this the man?
00:29:33Said his name was Johnson.
00:29:35His name is James Wright.
00:29:42He was only interested in general things at first.
00:29:45What brought you to me, why you felt the need of therapy.
00:29:48I told him about your concern at having been transferred from foreign to domestic intelligence.
00:29:55And your consequent lessening of self-esteem.
00:29:59That you place a high value on problem solving.
00:30:06You compete by solving problems better than other men.
00:30:09You compete in games.
00:30:11You attach a status to the successful solution of problems.
00:30:15How did he take that?
00:30:17He seemed pleased.
00:30:20I'll bet he was.
00:30:23He was especially interested in the psychological tests we conducted.
00:30:31What about them?
00:30:33They showed high intelligence, fear of failure.
00:30:37Which goes along with your competitiveness and a certain amount of impulsiveness.
00:30:45Tell him anything else.
00:30:48Tell him anything else.
00:30:52He wanted to know if you were reckless.
00:30:58I said you were ruthless but not reckless.
00:31:01Yeah, except under one or two conditions.
00:31:06Either when frustrated by not being able to solve a problem.
00:31:10Or having solved it through overconfidence.
00:31:17Get the directional microphone.
00:31:48Why is he doing that?
00:31:52He'll get everybody out.
00:32:03What are you getting?
00:32:05I don't know. It sounds like some kind of pump.
00:32:09What are you getting?
00:32:11I don't know. It sounds like some kind of pump.
00:32:38701 to 702.
00:32:41Follow both vehicles.
00:32:43If the van and the limousine separate, you stay with Wright's limousine.
00:32:47702, out.
00:32:50How long was he in there altogether?
00:32:52About an hour.
00:32:54I'll have a look.
00:32:56I'll have a look.
00:32:58I'll have a look.
00:33:00I'll have a look.
00:33:02I'll have a look.
00:33:04I'll have a look.
00:33:06How long was he in there altogether?
00:33:09About a half hour.
00:33:13This is Lewis.
00:33:18Yes, sir. I'll tell him right away.
00:33:20It's Phillips. He's in San Diego.
00:33:22He wants you to meet him right away at the Hotel Cortez.
00:33:30Not until we see what's in that warehouse.
00:33:55Milky and oil.
00:33:57Take a look at this.
00:34:00There's your pump.
00:34:06This is where you spray your gun.
00:34:09Two cans of paint.
00:34:11Yellow and black.
00:34:15Using the pump to spray paint.
00:34:20Now, the question is, what was he spraying it on?
00:34:23Whatever it was, he took it with him.
00:34:29Hey, there's some more.
00:34:32Wright bought two of these today.
00:34:40Hey, look at that.
00:34:52I haven't seen one of these since I was a kid.
00:34:55What would Wright want with an old washing machine?
00:34:59Milky and oil.
00:35:09You know what this stuff's a lot like?
00:35:13Some kind of chemical.
00:35:15What kind of chemical?
00:35:17I don't know.
00:35:19I've never heard of it.
00:35:21I don't know what it is.
00:35:23I've never heard of it.
00:35:25You know what this stuff's a lot like?
00:35:29Something we used in Vietnam.
00:35:31The army called it Compound C.
00:35:34Compound C?
00:35:38Plastic explosives.
00:35:56Come on.
00:36:09Graves here.
00:36:11Steven, this is Morris. Listen to me.
00:36:13I want your information. I want it all, and I want it right now.
00:36:16What information is that?
00:36:18Look, we had a shipment stolen this morning at 0200 in Utah.
00:36:21Now, somebody's got themselves 500 pounds of ZB gas.
00:36:24I want to know who.
00:36:26Captain, Captain, this is an open line.
00:36:28I don't care if it's an open line.
00:36:30ZB gas, you say?
00:36:32That's correct. That's binary 7576.
00:36:35Well, I'll tell you what you do, Captain.
00:36:37You fill out requisition form KL950, send it along to us.
00:36:42We'll try to get that information to you in a week or so.
00:36:55I think I'll go see Phillips alone.
00:36:58Then you call the federal marshals.
00:37:01Have them pick up right immediately.
00:37:03All right.
00:37:11Do you know what ZB gas is?
00:37:16It's a nerve gas.
00:37:19Sea of San Diego, called by its founding fathers the Jewel of California,
00:37:25lies nestled around an exquisite and delightful harbor.
00:37:29Since 1703, seamen have found refuge here,
00:37:33and today an active onshore commerce exists as well.
00:37:37From the glorious Coronado Bridge to the south,
00:37:40to the Point Loma Naval Complex and Mission Bay,
00:37:44San Diego offers residents and vacationers alike
00:37:47a myriad of treats, delights, thrills, and activities.
00:37:51ZB is so potent it has never been manufactured as a single gas.
00:37:55It's a binary produced as two separate gases,
00:37:59each in itself harmless, but when mixed, lethal.
00:38:03Dr. Peter Nordman, Stephen Graves.
00:38:06Dr. Nordman is professor of biochemistry at the university here.
00:38:10These gases are designated as binary 75 and binary 76.
00:38:15These binaries are generally stored in yellow and black containers.
00:38:20I brought this film back with me from Eastern Europe last year.
00:38:24It shows the effects of the binary on a condemned prisoner.
00:38:41Binary number one introduced, no effects.
00:38:46Second binary introduced.
00:38:49In the early stages, there is a tightness of chest,
00:38:53coughing, running of the nose.
00:38:56This is followed by cramps, nausea,
00:39:00and involuntary urination.
00:39:03Then comes staggering drowsiness and coma.
00:39:09Cessation of breath.
00:39:34I think we'd better call the marshals.
00:39:36Already done that.
00:39:38And the president?
00:39:40Well, you're the head of this section. That's your job.
00:39:49What would happen if 500 pounds of that stuff were released here?
00:39:53The lethal dose is one-tenth of a milligram,
00:39:57inhaled or absorbed through the skin.
00:40:00Gas masks and traditional defenses are useless.
00:40:03One-tenth of a milligram?
00:40:06Droplet so small, you cannot see it with the naked eye.
00:40:10With 500 pounds...
00:40:12This is Phillips. I'm calling from San Diego.
00:40:15...and in a city of this density,
00:40:18you could easily kill a million people.
00:40:21All forms of animal life would disappear in the area.
00:40:24Well, it's horny there.
00:40:26Nothing would survive.
00:40:28Except certain kinds of cockroaches.
00:40:31For some reason, they resist.
00:40:33This is an extremely urgent message,
00:40:35and I want it gotten through to the president at once.
00:40:38Write this down carefully.
00:40:42That's Zebra Victor.
00:40:45No, it is not Russian. It is American.
00:40:48An army shipment of it was stolen yesterday.
00:40:52I don't care if you don't know anything about it.
00:40:55I don't care if you don't know anything about it.
00:40:58Just get the message to him.
00:41:01Yes, it would be a very good idea
00:41:03if he canceled his trip to San Diego today.
00:41:07Just tell him. Yes. Yes.
00:41:15You have?
00:41:17Oh, good. Excellent.
00:41:20They've picked up right.
00:41:22They arrested him in front of his apartment
00:41:24and he stepped out of his car.
00:41:34To the right.
00:41:40That's not James, right?
00:41:55Take it easy.
00:41:57Wright must have made the switch at the warehouse.
00:41:59The wrong man went with the limousine.
00:42:00He went with the furniture van.
00:42:02So what? We know the plot.
00:42:04We know how it goes together.
00:42:05Yeah, but we may be too late to stop him.
00:42:12Sometimes I don't think you learn from experience.
00:42:15I'm still working for you.
00:42:17You almost hit that lady.
00:42:24Oh, my God!
00:42:55What's he doing?
00:42:59Well, that's it.
00:43:01Let's go get him.
00:43:03Are you serious?
00:43:05Yes. Yes, I'm serious.
00:43:07He's there. We've seen him connect the hoses so that he can...
00:43:10There's no way we can break into that room,
00:43:12gain control before he opens the valves.
00:43:14You think he'll commit suicide?
00:43:16You want to gamble a million lives that he won't?
00:43:18I don't think so.
00:43:20We can't just stand here and watch.
00:43:22There's not much else we can do.
00:43:36You and he really make a fine pair.
00:43:42Phillip speaking.
00:43:44I'm going to the warehouse.
00:43:47Phillip speaking.
00:43:50Well, keep trying, please.
00:43:52It is essential that we reach him.
00:43:54Yes, I'll be right here.
00:43:56Chauffeur didn't know a thing, neither did the other guys.
00:43:59Wright's gardener, he thought it was all a big joke.
00:44:11They have not been able to reach the president.
00:44:34Now, that's right, miss. Phillip.
00:44:36I want some people from the chemical corps.
00:44:38Yes, I think he'll talk with me.
00:44:40I don't care where you find them, just get them here.
00:44:43And make sure they have gas-protective clothing
00:44:45so at least one of them knows a lot about ZV gas.
00:44:48Dr. Nordman.
00:44:52If we could say yes.
00:44:54Yes, as I told you before.
00:44:59Wright just took off his wetsuit.
00:45:01I don't know what he's doing now.
00:45:12What's that box for?
00:45:14Must be a control system.
00:45:19Some kind of triggering device.
00:45:22Couldn't be anything else.
00:45:24Nordman's on his way over.
00:45:27Hey, look at this.
00:45:36What is that?
00:45:38It's a microphone.
00:45:45He's won.
00:45:47Maybe not. Take a look.
00:45:56Do it.
00:45:58Do it.
00:46:00Do what?
00:46:02He's gonna do it.
00:46:15He did it.
00:46:17Did what?
00:46:19He plugged the whole thing into a wall socket.
00:46:24This may be our first break.
00:46:30Well, we can have the electricity in that apartment turned off.
00:46:32You call the gas and electric company,
00:46:34and you call the police, have the whole area cordoned off.
00:46:36Wright's leaving.
00:46:40What's he gonna do now?
00:46:42Let's go ask her.
00:47:07You have the right to remain silent.
00:47:09You have the right to speak.
00:47:11You have the right to speak with an attorney
00:47:13and have the attorney present during questioning.
00:47:15If you so desire and cannot afford one,
00:47:17an attorney will be appointed for you without charge before questioning.
00:47:22Dr. Wolfe told me you were ruthless, Stephen.
00:47:25You don't mind if I call you Stephen, do you?
00:47:27I feel as though I've known you a long time.
00:47:29By the way, how did you sound like his present?
00:47:32A depth gauge, Stephen.
00:47:34So is a good thing to have when the one is in over his head.
00:47:37You made a mistake in not arresting me this morning.
00:47:41But I knew you wouldn't.
00:47:43It's your next mistake I'm counting most on, though.
00:47:46What's that box on the table upstairs?
00:47:49The direct question?
00:47:51It is part of me, Stephen.
00:47:53Answer the question!
00:47:55And if I do, Mr. Phillips, how will you know if I'm telling you the truth?
00:47:58That's my job.
00:48:00Actually, there are three boxes.
00:48:03I had to get an extension cord in order to place one of them in clear view of the window.
00:48:08So what?
00:48:10The box you saw is a timer.
00:48:13It controls a number of triggering devices.
00:48:16If one fails, another takes over.
00:48:18So what?
00:48:20The second box is an impedance and vibration sensor.
00:48:24There are contact points placed all over the room.
00:48:27Any vibration, a man walking on the floor, for example, will set off the gas.
00:48:32And the third?
00:48:34That is a battery.
00:48:36After all, I wouldn't want to be dependent on the electricity in the apartment, now would I?
00:48:40I'd like to be turned off remotely.
00:48:42Why did you close the window?
00:48:45I was wondering when you were going to ask me that.
00:48:53I closed the window because the device in that room anticipates some action you will take.
00:49:00Dr. Nordman's here.
00:49:06Good idea, Stephen. He's the best.
00:49:15Well, there's a theoretical antidote.
00:49:17If a person were exposed to a mild dose of ZV, it's possible to inject chemicals that may block the effects of the gas.
00:49:26Can you get hold of any of these chemicals?
00:49:29I brought what I could. They're not available in much quantity.
00:49:37Have the police evacuate this block. Both sides.
00:49:43And get rid of these newsmen.
00:49:50I presume Dr. Nordman informed you the antidote to ZV gas is only theoretical and not to be had in any quantity.
00:49:57I assure you, Stephen, there is no way now for anyone to get into that room alive.
00:50:02What's the microphone for?
00:50:04You really expect me to hand you everything on a silver platter?
00:50:09I will tell you this much, however.
00:50:11The microphone is a part of a triggering device. It depends on one external system.
00:50:17Is that what you meant when you told me that it anticipates some action I'll take?
00:50:21When I became aware of your interest in my activities, I decided I'd either have to abandon the project or turn that interest to my advantage.
00:50:28So I included you in the scenario. You might say you're the final cog in the machine.
00:50:33But you have the gas on a timer.
00:50:38When is it set to go off?
00:50:39Five p.m.
00:50:41One hour from now.
00:50:43Well, we'll just keep you here.
00:50:45You'll die, too.
00:50:49A lot of people will die.
00:50:51You might have noticed. Weather conditions are ideal.
00:50:54There's an inversion layer over San Diego.
00:50:56The gas will be trapped here, lingering.
00:51:02One more question.
00:51:06You're a poker player, Stephen. You tell me.
00:51:08What do you do when the cards have been going against you too long?
00:51:12I asked for a new deck.
00:51:17We're going to get a new deck.
00:51:21You are insane.
00:51:23One of us must be.
00:51:25Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I have a plane to catch.
00:51:28Don't shoot!
00:51:30Don't shoot!
00:51:32Don't shoot!
00:51:33Don't shoot!
00:51:34Don't shoot!
00:51:35Don't shoot!
00:51:36Don't shoot!
00:51:37Don't shoot!
00:51:38Don't shoot!
00:51:39Don't shoot!
00:51:40Don't shoot!
00:51:44What does that door mean?
00:52:10Don't shoot!
00:52:11Don't shoot!
00:52:13Don't shoot!
00:52:39Stop him! That's James Blake!
00:52:42Stop him!
00:52:43Stop him!
00:52:44Stop him!
00:53:13THE BAT
00:53:33Any reading on that sniffer?
00:53:35Yes, some oxygen, nitrogen and traces of phosphorus.
00:53:39Plastic explosives.
00:53:41Near the door?
00:53:42Probably on the other side.
00:53:44What is it?
00:53:47What do we do now?
00:53:48What time is it?
00:53:52Well, like I said, it all depends on some action I take.
00:53:55What we do now is figure out what that action is and not take it.
00:54:03Nobody goes near that door, not even you.
00:54:07Do you have any idea what this is all about?
00:54:09Not a clue.
00:54:10That little fuzz gave me a pain.
00:54:13There have been rumors all day about the President,
00:54:15but at this point we still don't have any word about his intentions
00:54:18or even if he plans to address the delegates here at all.
00:54:25We'll treat two people for exposure, that's all.
00:54:28Is it hard to administer?
00:54:31But you need somebody alive and well to do it.
00:54:34The time is now 4.30.
00:54:37Well, most of the equipment in that room is defensive.
00:54:41Designed to keep people out of there until that gas is released.
00:54:46I think some of those defenses are meant to be penetrated.
00:54:50I think you're right.
00:54:55Get the electric company on the phone.
00:54:59It's time to make a move.
00:55:07Electric company standing by.
00:55:08Steve, you're taking a big chance.
00:55:15Have them turn off the power.
00:55:17Shut it down.
00:55:36You hear something?
00:55:37Yeah, it came from that room.
00:55:41Maybe we shouldn't get too close.
00:55:48It's two policemen.
00:55:51Mrs. Braves, over.
00:55:54Mrs. Braves, do you read me?
00:55:56Mrs. Braves, over.
00:55:58Do you read me?
00:56:01Mrs. Braves, over.
00:56:04Are they dead?
00:56:17It wasn't a full release.
00:56:20The valve turned off again.
00:56:23It was just a short burst to fill the room with gas.
00:56:26Now we really can't get in there.
00:56:30Any contact with the chemical corps people yet?
00:56:37If you filled me full of that antidote, could I survive in that room?
00:56:42I don't know.
00:56:43Is there a chance?
00:56:45Chance, yeah.
00:56:47That room is wired with plastic explosives.
00:56:49You just can't walk in the front door.
00:56:56I'm not thinking of the front door.
00:56:57I'm not thinking of the front door.
00:57:28What time do you have?
00:57:57Hold that.
00:58:07When do I inject?
00:58:08Just before you're exposed to the gas.
00:58:11If you're exposed before you inject, you only have 5 or 10 seconds of consciousness.
00:58:15So do it before, just before.
00:58:21You're afraid of heights, Mr. Braves?
00:58:25Has it occurred to you that this may be exactly the action James Wright wants you to take?
00:58:30The microphone in that room could be tuned for the sound of breaking glass, you know.
00:58:35Well, we're damned if we do, and we're damned if we don't.
01:02:03It's all right.
01:02:04Everything's shut down.
01:02:06Just give it a few minutes for the gas to air out.
01:03:52We're on our way here to address the delegates at this moment.
01:03:54Our mobile cameras should pick up the presidential motorcade.
01:03:57There it is now.
01:03:58Still several miles from this convention hall.
01:04:00With the president in his traditional limousine and the motorcycle escort.
01:04:14All right, let's get these tanks out of here.
01:04:16One at a time.
01:04:18I won't be satisfied until they're a mile away from each other.
01:04:23All right.
01:04:37Be careful.
01:04:38This is no time to get reckless.
01:04:43I told him you were ruthless, but not reckless.
01:04:46Except under one or two conditions.
01:04:49Either when frustrated by not being able to solve a problem.
01:04:52Or once having solved it, through overconfidence.
01:05:08It's not working.
01:05:09Hold it.
01:05:15Braves here.
01:05:16What's wrong with the elevators?
01:05:18We checked the circuit breakers in the basement, sir.
01:05:20There was a timer wired in to knock it out at five o'clock.
01:05:23We'll never make it down the stairs with that tank.
01:05:25Why five o'clock? It was all supposed to be over by then.
01:05:28There's no point to it.
01:05:30There's a point to everything Wright does.
01:05:33The tanks are now trapped on this floor.
01:05:37So what?
01:05:41Inside that limousine with its bulletproof glass and electronic equipment,
01:05:44the president is protected against just about everything except a major disaster.
01:05:59Wright knew we'd call you in.
01:06:01He also knew you'd supply me with the antidote.
01:06:03Which means he was sure I'd break into this room.
01:06:06That hardly matters anymore. We've disarmed the mechanism.
01:06:09Have we?
01:06:10How long would it take one of those tanks to discharge all its gas?
01:06:1510, 15 minutes?
01:06:16I want to know exactly.
01:06:27All right, what is this, Steve?
01:06:29Another one of your games?
01:06:31Wright wanted the gas to spread throughout the city.
01:06:33He wouldn't close the window.
01:06:35Unless he wanted to.
01:06:3716 minutes.
01:06:39The normal discharge rate should take this tank 16 minutes to empty.
01:06:42That's it, then.
01:06:44At exactly 5.16, a bomb will go off in this room,
01:06:48rupturing the tanks and releasing the gas.
01:06:51We have no reason to believe that there's a bomb here.
01:06:54Plastic explosives, remember?
01:06:58Have that sniffer?
01:07:00I don't have a sniffer.
01:07:02Plastic explosives, remember?
01:07:06Have that sniffer?
01:07:08Get it fast.
01:07:33What's going on upstairs?
01:07:34Where's the sniffer?
01:07:35I put it in the car.
01:07:39Well, I don't see any explosives.
01:07:41It's plastic.
01:07:42It could be molded into any shape.
01:07:44It's probably plain sight.
01:07:46Sniffer, we need that sniffer.
01:09:39Heading closer, the President now is just a few blocks
01:09:42from the downtown convention center.
01:09:43And in a few minutes, he'll be entering the hall here
01:09:45to address the delegates.
01:09:46And then we'll know...
01:09:53Any reading?
01:09:54No, nothing.
01:10:05Nitrogen, oxygen, traces of phosphorus.
01:10:10Those plastic explosives were here before.
01:10:15That's not metal.
01:10:19Fresh paint.
01:10:22Of course.
01:10:24Spray can.
01:10:25The pump. The washing machine.
01:10:27Must be the other tank.
01:10:30Bring the snipper.
01:10:32The President is here. He's in the hall.
01:10:34He's now making his way.
01:10:35We'll see if we can get a glimpse of him.
01:10:37That crowd is clustered all around him.
01:10:39The Secret Service men, of course, are trying to hold back the crowd, but that's difficult.
01:10:43Let's switch now to the...
01:10:44Nitrogen, oxygen, traces of phosphorus.
01:10:47I'd use that ringer to roll those plastics out thin.
01:10:50You needed the plastic.
01:10:52I'd use that ringer to roll those plastics out thin.
01:10:54You needed the paint to cover them up.
01:10:56All right, let's separate these things.
01:10:58Help me get it out the window.
01:11:00Come on!
01:11:04Clear the streets. Get them out of there.
01:11:10Clear the street!
01:11:11Clear the street! Everyone inside!
01:11:22Clear the street!
01:11:36It is my honor to present the President of the United States...
01:11:52The President of the United States...
01:11:57There are reports of an explosion not far from this convention hall,
01:12:00the meaning not yet clear.
01:12:02We're waiting for confirmation and some further word.
01:12:04There apparently was no serious damage from that explosion.
01:12:17I still find it difficult to believe that a private citizen
01:12:20could actually steal nerve gas from the U.S. government.
01:12:24Well, it's not really all that difficult, I'm afraid.
01:12:27Even with all the safeguards, any clever person with enough money,
01:12:30enough time, enough determination, could do the same thing.
01:12:34That goes for nuclear weapons as well.
01:12:38Well, you're the expert. What are you going to do?
01:12:41Well, I don't know about you, but I know what I'm going to do about it.
01:12:44What's that?
01:12:46Don't worry.
01:12:50The President of the United States...
01:12:52There are reports of an explosion not far from this convention hall,
01:12:55the meaning not yet clear.
01:12:57We're waiting for confirmation and some further word.
01:13:00Well, you're the expert. What are you going to do about it?
01:13:03Well, I don't know about you, but I know what I'm going to do about it.
01:13:06What's that?
01:13:07Don't worry. I know what I'm going to do about it.
01:13:09Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:11Don't worry. I know what I'm going to do about it.
01:13:14Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:16Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:18Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:20Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:22Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:24Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:26Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:28Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:30Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:32Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:34Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:36Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:38Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:40Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:42Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:44Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:46Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:48Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:50Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:52Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:54Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:56Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:13:58Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:14:00Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:14:02Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:14:04Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:14:06Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:14:08Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:14:10Well, you're the expert. What's that?
01:14:12Well, you're the expert. What's that?
